I almost didn't buy this because of the negative reviews it received on the wood cracking during assembly. Yes the wood is soft but it's very sturdy. My son is a carpenter and said if you pre-drill the holes first that will prevent splitting during assembly and he was right.
It took me and a friend about 7 hours to assemble it all - we spent an hour organizing and about 6 to build, with a long lunch in the middle that involved a lot of beer (not recommended). Required tools - socket wrench with 5/16 and 1/2 drives along with a power drill.
Grandson loves this. Was a little challenging to put together, but not impossible. Nice quality. Very pleased! Installed this set and it’s very durable and strong.
We absolutely love this. Took my husband and his best friend less than 6 hours to build. The instructions are a little difficult to follow but it was worth it. The slide is super slick so id recommend putting a cushion or grass near the end of it.
I love the simple fact I could purchase this without spending Thousand's Size of the play-set (Small/Medium) … I do believe the instructions should start with the play house as number 1 then then rest as follow. A lot of screws so have them label if so and the wood laid out for a faster process.
First thing, the set-up was not complicated at all. It does take the full 8-10 hours as noted on the instructions, but very easy to follow. All materials are marked well and if you follow the step by step, it goes together like it should.
Very cute, durable, small set! It’s great for little ones. I hired someone to put together because I don’t have the time.
I almost didn't buy this because of the negative reviews it received on the wood cracking during assembly. Yes the wood is soft but it's very sturdy. My son is a carpenter and said if you pre-drill the holes first that will prevent splitting during assembly and he was right.
Swing into summer
What a great deal , fast shipping three day and free shipping most important.. I give 5 stars on material and quality.
Great playset, especially if you get it on sale
It took me and a friend about 7 hours to assemble it all - we spent an hour organizing and about 6 to build, with a long lunch in the middle that involved a lot of beer (not recommended). Required tools - socket wrench with 5/16 and 1/2 drives along with a power drill.
Everything labeled good
My husband and I who are in our 60’s put this playset together. It did take 20 1/2 hours over 5 days but we did it. Our grandson loves it.
Grandson loves this. Was a little challenging to put together, but not impossible. Nice quality. Very pleased! Installed this set and it’s very durable and strong.
We absolutely love this. Took my husband and his best friend less than 6 hours to build. The instructions are a little difficult to follow but it was worth it. The slide is super slick so id recommend putting a cushion or grass near the end of it.
2 Person Job
I love the simple fact I could purchase this without spending Thousand's Size of the play-set (Small/Medium) … I do believe the instructions should start with the play house as number 1 then then rest as follow. A lot of screws so have them label if so and the wood laid out for a faster process.
easy set up
First thing, the set-up was not complicated at all. It does take the full 8-10 hours as noted on the instructions, but very easy to follow. All materials are marked well and if you follow the step by step, it goes together like it should.
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