We bought this because it was cheap, seemed sturdy enough and it had a good discount. Overall its good for the price. After the assembly I did feel it was a bit loose, but my kids have been using it and so far so good.
The bed is ok. The frames are wood but one piece of wood for the top bed headboard was split where a drill hole was made. Not enough wood slabs for holding mattress and cheap. Two split after a kid laid on the bed after one day. Definitely not for the weight they claim!
Love that it matches my daughters off white furniture. The railing seems like it could be a little more sturdy but otherwise very solid frame and ladder
Love this bed its sturdy and very pretty. The kids love it and they know not to jump or play on it. If you follow the directions it doesnt take long to put together
It is nice but the only issue is where and how the beds connect to a bunk bed. There is only a wooden down that holds the two but on the plus side the ladder to the top is bolted between the too. I would reccomend some sort of bracket on the opposite side to reinforce the two
Its good for the price
We bought this because it was cheap, seemed sturdy enough and it had a good discount. Overall its good for the price. After the assembly I did feel it was a bit loose, but my kids have been using it and so far so good.
Solid wood frame but cheap slats
The bed is ok. The frames are wood but one piece of wood for the top bed headboard was split where a drill hole was made. Not enough wood slabs for holding mattress and cheap. Two split after a kid laid on the bed after one day. Definitely not for the weight they claim!
What its used for
Ok product
Not white , off white
Nice and sturdy . However the white is not white it is off white .
Would buy again!
Love that it matches my daughters off white furniture. The railing seems like it could be a little more sturdy but otherwise very solid frame and ladder
Not as good as I thought
Very sturdy
Love this bed its sturdy and very pretty. The kids love it and they know not to jump or play on it. If you follow the directions it doesnt take long to put together
Bunk bed could be secured more
It is nice but the only issue is where and how the beds connect to a bunk bed. There is only a wooden down that holds the two but on the plus side the ladder to the top is bolted between the too. I would reccomend some sort of bracket on the opposite side to reinforce the two
Bad packaging
Was broken
I like the design of the bed but the matress supporters are thin.
The supporters of the matress are really fragile.
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