I was very happy with the look and quality of these beds. Install took a bit to complete and was easier with two people. The beds look great in our grandkids guest room and seem very sturdy for them to sleep and hangout in. They’re all pretty young so I’m not sure if this will work as they grow older. I’m definitely impressed with this product.
We bought this because it was cheap, seemed sturdy enough and it had a good discount. Overall it’s good for the price. After the assembly I did feel it was a bit loose, but my kids have been using it and so far so good.
Great product easy to assemble it only took about two and a half hours. My four year old son loves it. We put a 6” mattress at the top and a 8” one at the bottom and it works out perfect.
This bed is a great bunk bed for the price. Weve had it for a while now and have had absolutely no issues. Our kids also love it and sleeping/playing in them.
Love how low it is to reach the top. Use for my 5and3 year old kids and they love them.
Very pleased with this purchase
I was very happy with the look and quality of these beds. Install took a bit to complete and was easier with two people. The beds look great in our grandkids guest room and seem very sturdy for them to sleep and hangout in. They’re all pretty young so I’m not sure if this will work as they grow older. I’m definitely impressed with this product.
Love this bed easy to assemble just the right height! Amazing bed!
It’s good for the price
We bought this because it was cheap, seemed sturdy enough and it had a good discount. Overall it’s good for the price. After the assembly I did feel it was a bit loose, but my kids have been using it and so far so good.
They were a great purchase.
Really solid and well made. They are very beautiful in my girls room.
Love the height
Great product easy to assemble it only took about two and a half hours. My four year old son loves it. We put a 6” mattress at the top and a 8” one at the bottom and it works out perfect.
It’s great!
Kids love it and it was pretty easy to assemble. It’s sturdy and a great value for the price.
We love it!
Very good quality and looks great!
Great bunk bed for a great price
This bed is a great bunk bed for the price. Weve had it for a while now and have had absolutely no issues. Our kids also love it and sleeping/playing in them.
Good value
Our boys love their bed. They are hyper kids, and it’s holding up well.
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