Great for small spaces. My daughters share a room and it’s pretty small. This bunk bed is perfect for their space and for them! It’s sturdy. When we purchased it, it came with free assembly.
Very cute bed, well made and easy to put together. My one complaint is that the bottom bunk could definitely use and extra 6” of height. My 2 year old is almost touching while sitting and I totally bump my head every night when I go to kiss her good night.
Overall, pretty good. Im using it for 2 adults, both weight over 70kg. So far so good. Although I had to put some hard wood for mattress support, cuz the one provided just wont hold. Even if it was for a kid, I wouldnt really feel safe. But overall it was nice.
The bed is definitely more of a cream than white, but it is very sturdy and its easy for my 3 year old to get up and down. We had a bit of trouble getting some of the screws in, but managed to get it done without damaging the bed or anything.
Terrible quality
Poor quality. Didn’t last a year! Don’t waste your money!
Kids love it
Very sturdy and simple to assemble. Both the kids wind up in the top bunk most nights and it holds up. 3 and 6 year old.
Hard to put sheets on beds.
Bed was shipped on time and was not very hard to assemble. We got it for our spare bedroom for the grandchildren, they loved it!
Great for small spaces. My daughters share a room and it’s pretty small. This bunk bed is perfect for their space and for them! It’s sturdy. When we purchased it, it came with free assembly.
Happy with our purchase
Very cute bed, well made and easy to put together. My one complaint is that the bottom bunk could definitely use and extra 6” of height. My 2 year old is almost touching while sitting and I totally bump my head every night when I go to kiss her good night.
Great for littles!
Love the size and color. Perfect for eves and small kiddos
Good quality
These bunk beds were perfect for my 4 year old twins. They are very sturdy and easy to assemble.
Not bad at all
Overall, pretty good. Im using it for 2 adults, both weight over 70kg. So far so good. Although I had to put some hard wood for mattress support, cuz the one provided just wont hold. Even if it was for a kid, I wouldnt really feel safe. But overall it was nice.
Good size fair price
Bought for my grandkids
Sturdy, great for my 3 year old!
The bed is definitely more of a cream than white, but it is very sturdy and its easy for my 3 year old to get up and down. We had a bit of trouble getting some of the screws in, but managed to get it done without damaging the bed or anything.
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