Purchased for our soon to be 7 year old grandson. He loves it! Just high enough off the ground, with plenty of room for him to play around underneath. Delivered two days before date indicated when ordered. Packaging was great. Instructions were easy to follow. Except for two sections, easy enough for one person to put together (though probably would’ve taken less time if two were working on it). Can only attest to how it’s holding up right now, which is really well.
I looked for for a bunk bed that would hold an adult and came across this product. It was easy to assemble and has the sturdiness for an adult. While people suggest bunky boards for mattress support, I recommend going to home depot or lowes and getting a sheet of 7/16 osb cut to size for support, even cut that in half and place the two pieces if you dont have a car big enough to haul the single piece.
We just assembled our bunk bed, in the white color. The package was delivered in great shape, and we used the deliver to room option to have the bed carried upstairs, since were in our ‘70’s!
All the pieces and hardware were in the box; nothing was missing or damaged. The directions were clear. As other reviewers have suggested, we used a cordless drill for faster assembly.
The bed seems very well designed and sturdy. We’ll put it to the test the next times our grandkids visit!
I like the bed especially for its value. While assembling I noticed I was given 2 packs of the same length screws so I was short when it came to building the ladder. So I am missing steps and the company still has not sent me the extra hardware I need.
I have four boys under 8 years old. They love it. There has been some night where I have had to sleep on the bottom bunk with my 5 year old and the bunk has held the weight. I would recommend to tighten the screws on the bunk bed every other week.
This is a fantastic bed.
Let me just say I bought another bed from someone else. It was a nightmare to put together and was banged up too....this bed...was a dream.
It’s instructions make sense, the prices are well made, if there were any songs or scratches they were minor. I was able to put it together by myself (until the end when my husband helped lift the upper bunk on). Even the kids helped. Me (and the not so helpful children) got it together in under 3 hrs!
The only issue I. Had was the instructions say that the sticker was on the bottom bunk piece and I realized a little late it was wrong haha. A quick switch and we were back in business.
It looks great and my boys were super happy!
Purchased for our soon to be 7 year old grandson. He loves it! Just high enough off the ground, with plenty of room for him to play around underneath. Delivered two days before date indicated when ordered. Packaging was great. Instructions were easy to follow. Except for two sections, easy enough for one person to put together (though probably would’ve taken less time if two were working on it). Can only attest to how it’s holding up right now, which is really well.
Well made product!
I looked for for a bunk bed that would hold an adult and came across this product. It was easy to assemble and has the sturdiness for an adult. While people suggest bunky boards for mattress support, I recommend going to home depot or lowes and getting a sheet of 7/16 osb cut to size for support, even cut that in half and place the two pieces if you dont have a car big enough to haul the single piece.
Perfect for the kids
Very well designed and clear directions.
We just assembled our bunk bed, in the white color. The package was delivered in great shape, and we used the deliver to room option to have the bed carried upstairs, since were in our ‘70’s! All the pieces and hardware were in the box; nothing was missing or damaged. The directions were clear. As other reviewers have suggested, we used a cordless drill for faster assembly. The bed seems very well designed and sturdy. We’ll put it to the test the next times our grandkids visit!
My kids really love their bed! Very beautiful!!!
Good product but missing hardware.
I like the bed especially for its value. While assembling I noticed I was given 2 packs of the same length screws so I was short when it came to building the ladder. So I am missing steps and the company still has not sent me the extra hardware I need.
Impressed compact and quiet
So impressed with how minimal the size is for our small bedroom AND it doesn’t squeak at all! Love it for the price.
Cheap easy to put together. Very sturdy so far
As easy as it gets
Sturdy and a great bargain
I have four boys under 8 years old. They love it. There has been some night where I have had to sleep on the bottom bunk with my 5 year old and the bunk has held the weight. I would recommend to tighten the screws on the bunk bed every other week.
Fantastic buy. Great instructions, easy to build and good quality.
This is a fantastic bed. Let me just say I bought another bed from someone else. It was a nightmare to put together and was banged up too....this bed...was a dream. It’s instructions make sense, the prices are well made, if there were any songs or scratches they were minor. I was able to put it together by myself (until the end when my husband helped lift the upper bunk on). Even the kids helped. Me (and the not so helpful children) got it together in under 3 hrs! The only issue I. Had was the instructions say that the sticker was on the bottom bunk piece and I realized a little late it was wrong haha. A quick switch and we were back in business. It looks great and my boys were super happy!
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