Purchased for our soon to be 7 year old grandson. He loves it! Just high enough off the ground, with plenty of room for him to play around underneath. Delivered two days before date indicated when ordered. Packaging was great. Instructions were easy to follow. Except for two sections, easy enough for one person to put together (though probably would’ve taken less time if two were working on it). Can only attest to how it’s holding up right now, which is really well.
Purchased for our soon to be 7 year old grandson. He loves it! Just high enough off the ground, with plenty of room for him to play around underneath. Delivered two days before date indicated when ordered. Packaging was great. Instructions were easy to follow. Except for two sections, easy enough for one person to put together (though probably would’ve taken less time if two were working on it). Can only attest to how it’s holding up right now, which is really well.