I bought this for my 6 year old granddaughter for Christmas. I had searched ones designed for kids, but they all looked cheap and were mostly made of plastic. I thought if needed I could cut the legs down to fit her size. We didn't have to do that. It was perfect for her now and she can definitely use it into her teens. It is very well made and I was very pleased with my purchase.
super cute !, good quality and easy to put together. it is perfect for my six year old daughter's bedroom. It does not take up much space which is perfect since the room is not very big. I highly recommend it
Product is smaller than expected. But pretty. Did come with a stain on table. Seen only when get close. Overall is for a young girl it would be perfect for an Adult NO.
I adore this vanity. My daughter and I bought it for my granddaughter. Took a bit to put together but not hard. However, the stool broke in less than a month. I think it was due to a b it of rocking on it - but teenagers do that. So just know that you might be purchasing a sturdier stool. I would give it 4.5 stars if I could just due to the cuteness of the vanity and not taking up too much space. Good purchase.
Just beautiful
Very easy to assemble and well built! My granddaughter will use it for years to come.
Well made and beautiful
I bought this for my 6 year old granddaughter for Christmas. I had searched ones designed for kids, but they all looked cheap and were mostly made of plastic. I thought if needed I could cut the legs down to fit her size. We didn't have to do that. It was perfect for her now and she can definitely use it into her teens. It is very well made and I was very pleased with my purchase.
Cheap bench
Bench broke within a couple of days and Im not a heavy person
My Granddaughter LOVES It!
It's quite pretty put together. I recommend it!
Nice Vanity
We very much like the vanity. My teenage daughter received it as a gift and its perfect for her
easy to assemble, very nice
good quality and easy to assemble
super cute !, good quality and easy to put together. it is perfect for my six year old daughter's bedroom. It does not take up much space which is perfect since the room is not very big. I highly recommend it
Small but pretty.
Product is smaller than expected. But pretty. Did come with a stain on table. Seen only when get close. Overall is for a young girl it would be perfect for an Adult NO.
Such a great Vanity!
Bought it for my 4 year old granddaughter for Christmas and it was perfect for her!
Stool fell apart
I adore this vanity. My daughter and I bought it for my granddaughter. Took a bit to put together but not hard. However, the stool broke in less than a month. I think it was due to a b it of rocking on it - but teenagers do that. So just know that you might be purchasing a sturdier stool. I would give it 4.5 stars if I could just due to the cuteness of the vanity and not taking up too much space. Good purchase.
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