Bought this for my six year old granddaughter. She was so excited! She immediately told her twin brother not to touch it. LOL. This is a very nice, pretty, sturdy piece of furniture. Well built and a pretty addition.
The corner was broken/damage, I dont want to return it, I just want the damage piece to be replaced, I try to chat with somebody but it was just an automated system, feeling disappointed
this is a pretty good buy. I was skeptical at first bc it was under $200 and people also said it was too small, but Im 56 and 170 pounds and it works for me just fine. It was very easy to assemble. It only took me about 30 minutes and I did it all by myself. It was well packaged and seems to be durable. If youre looking for a well priced vanity, this is the one!
The vanity is a bit smaller than anticipated. Other reviews stated damages but ours arrived in good shape. The stool fabric is definitely not a satin finish and is a yellow/cream tone.. After putting the stool together we rubbed our hand over the seat/cushion. Shocked that there were 10 wood slivers stuck in the fabric! Took them out with tweezers. Good thing nobody with bare legs sat on it before we took out the slivers. Odd. All in all the vanity set is sturdy. The advertisement 360 view shows the back of the mirror as black. It's NOT black, it's white which matches our vanity. The mirror is fine for the price but don't expect a beveled mirror - it's a cheep mirror but works fine.
Bought this for my six year old granddaughter. She was so excited! She immediately told her twin brother not to touch it. LOL. This is a very nice, pretty, sturdy piece of furniture. Well built and a pretty addition.
Happy customers
Happy customers
Broken leg
My granddaughter used the stool less than 1 week and one of the legs broke. Can't return the whole vanity table, no box.
Broken/damage corner
The corner was broken/damage, I dont want to return it, I just want the damage piece to be replaced, I try to chat with somebody but it was just an automated system, feeling disappointed
A great buy for the price!
I love this! Definitely cheap wood, but its very cute and worth it!
If youre looking for a vanity get this one!!
this is a pretty good buy. I was skeptical at first bc it was under $200 and people also said it was too small, but Im 56 and 170 pounds and it works for me just fine. It was very easy to assemble. It only took me about 30 minutes and I did it all by myself. It was well packaged and seems to be durable. If youre looking for a well priced vanity, this is the one!
Check wood sections for cracks.
Seat has a bowed wooden section. We plan to contact co. The vanity is nice.
Awesome vanity for child
Awesome vanity for my 9 year old. Easy to put together and very durable. Perfect size. Great buy for the money.
Arrived well packed and in good condition
The vanity is a bit smaller than anticipated. Other reviews stated damages but ours arrived in good shape. The stool fabric is definitely not a satin finish and is a yellow/cream tone.. After putting the stool together we rubbed our hand over the seat/cushion. Shocked that there were 10 wood slivers stuck in the fabric! Took them out with tweezers. Good thing nobody with bare legs sat on it before we took out the slivers. Odd. All in all the vanity set is sturdy. The advertisement 360 view shows the back of the mirror as black. It's NOT black, it's white which matches our vanity. The mirror is fine for the price but don't expect a beveled mirror - it's a cheep mirror but works fine.
Great for a young princess
It was very easy to assemble
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