Good size bed, a bit shaky would not recomend putting someone on top bunk over 150 pounds not sturdy enough. Easy set up. It fits nicely and is made well.
Bought this for my sons, ages 10 12. It seems HUGE, which is great. My kids were both stoked to move up to a full size instead of twin. The bottom bed has so much head room that even my son who didnt want another bunk bed was happy with it. However, I would make sure your ceiling is high enough for the kid on the top to be comfy. Its definitely wobbly, and could have used another brace going along the long side by the wall to help stabilize it. The ladder was so uncomfortable for my 10/year old that we bought foam and taped it to the metal slats so he didnt hurt his feet when he climbed up. Not a huge deal and I didnt expect perfection for something with a price this good. However, the top short rail on the side with the ladder had one side that kept popping out of its hole, and just didnt seem to fit correctly. All screws were tight, and I checked them multiple times to be sure it wasnt just a matter of loosened screws. Then, a few days ago, that same rail snapped right off at the welds. My son was probably hanging on it, though of course he swears differently lol Actually, he likes it better this way because its easier for him to climb off the bed and use the ladder. The only worry was the sharp edges of metal where it snapped, which we fixed by hammering down and wrapping the area with electrical tape. However, the loss of the rail has not helped the overall shakiness of the bed. 3 stars for the great price and roominess, and the shipping that was faster than expected. If I decide to keep this bed, I will definitely want to stabilize the bed by attaching it to the wall to reduce the shaking and creaking of the metal. Debating if we are going to keep it or return it.
The price is great but it is not as sturdy as I thought it would be. Also it WAS VERY hard to put together, you definitely need a second person to help out. One last thing I dont recommend for children under 6/ it is a bit too high. Happy purchase.
Very disappointed at the quality in which the item arrived / many dents and scratches. Also the top bunk shakes A LOT! I attempted to contact the seller but was unable on multiple occasions due to a broken web link. So disappointed for what I paid!
The bed was quick to put together. Take note that there are a couple different parts boxes so dont throw any of the packing away till youre sure youve got it all put together. Bed has survived several weeks of heavy usage and looks to be able to handle many more. Strongly recommend this product
There was a lot I want to say about this bed but since Its been months I have forgotten everything lol. I do want to say that you should definitely take your time so that you wont screw something on backwards and have to take everything apart just to get it right. I Put it together by myself In. a few hours and that was taking my time and doing other things in between. One thing I do remember that I did that was helpful was loosening The screws Of the Side bars that the slats stick into. This gave me space to put all these Slats in easily.
I use this bed as a loft bed it was the best deal I could find for a Queen size. I have had no issues with sturdiness. It is as expected. Takes a little getting used to the wobble I should get up/and/down especially if youre a 29 year old adult who hasnt had a tall bed since they were a kid lol.
The issue I saw people mention a lot about the Ladder bars not being comfortable to walk up/and/down Isnt all worth mentioning. Youre only on each bar for a second or less its not like youre standing on it like its the floor. No big deal. My only issue with this bed is that the Ladder bars are not long enough When you put it together so they seem to slide around When you go up/and/downThem. But it is not so big of a deal thats it would cause you any harm. You just hear a sort of Light Clang When you put weight on it Perfect size for my loveseat.
READ THROUGH. I did a follow up review.
Box came damaged, bed came damaged. It is not as sturdy as people claim. I have a 12 inch mattress, so maybe one smaller would be perfect for the top bunk. Need to purchase a bed rail for the top bunk. I am going to have to purchase pool noodles for the ladder. Hurts your feet going up. Purchased for my 16 and 9 year old sons.
Bed is breaking. It is like aluminum and where the ladder is bent. Two months in and need to purchase a new bed. DO NOT PURCHASE! WAIST OF MONEY!!
A++ good Quality
materiales muy buenos,el material en que esta hecho es super fuerte Do not hesitate to buy!
Affordable price
Good size bed, a bit shaky would not recomend putting someone on top bunk over 150 pounds not sturdy enough. Easy set up. It fits nicely and is made well.
Nice and roomy, but pretty shaky for my 10 and 12 year old.
Bought this for my sons, ages 10 12. It seems HUGE, which is great. My kids were both stoked to move up to a full size instead of twin. The bottom bed has so much head room that even my son who didnt want another bunk bed was happy with it. However, I would make sure your ceiling is high enough for the kid on the top to be comfy. Its definitely wobbly, and could have used another brace going along the long side by the wall to help stabilize it. The ladder was so uncomfortable for my 10/year old that we bought foam and taped it to the metal slats so he didnt hurt his feet when he climbed up. Not a huge deal and I didnt expect perfection for something with a price this good. However, the top short rail on the side with the ladder had one side that kept popping out of its hole, and just didnt seem to fit correctly. All screws were tight, and I checked them multiple times to be sure it wasnt just a matter of loosened screws. Then, a few days ago, that same rail snapped right off at the welds. My son was probably hanging on it, though of course he swears differently lol Actually, he likes it better this way because its easier for him to climb off the bed and use the ladder. The only worry was the sharp edges of metal where it snapped, which we fixed by hammering down and wrapping the area with electrical tape. However, the loss of the rail has not helped the overall shakiness of the bed. 3 stars for the great price and roominess, and the shipping that was faster than expected. If I decide to keep this bed, I will definitely want to stabilize the bed by attaching it to the wall to reduce the shaking and creaking of the metal. Debating if we are going to keep it or return it.
Okay, not what I expected but works for what it is needed
The price is great but it is not as sturdy as I thought it would be. Also it WAS VERY hard to put together, you definitely need a second person to help out. One last thing I dont recommend for children under 6/ it is a bit too high. Happy purchase.
If you want a full over full bunk go for higher quality.
Very disappointed at the quality in which the item arrived / many dents and scratches. Also the top bunk shakes A LOT! I attempted to contact the seller but was unable on multiple occasions due to a broken web link. So disappointed for what I paid!
Great bed for the
The bed was quick to put together. Take note that there are a couple different parts boxes so dont throw any of the packing away till youre sure youve got it all put together. Bed has survived several weeks of heavy usage and looks to be able to handle many more. Strongly recommend this product
Aming very easy to put together This was a great buy for the price will purchase again.
Good deal
There was a lot I want to say about this bed but since Its been months I have forgotten everything lol. I do want to say that you should definitely take your time so that you wont screw something on backwards and have to take everything apart just to get it right. I Put it together by myself In. a few hours and that was taking my time and doing other things in between. One thing I do remember that I did that was helpful was loosening The screws Of the Side bars that the slats stick into. This gave me space to put all these Slats in easily. I use this bed as a loft bed it was the best deal I could find for a Queen size. I have had no issues with sturdiness. It is as expected. Takes a little getting used to the wobble I should get up/and/down especially if youre a 29 year old adult who hasnt had a tall bed since they were a kid lol. The issue I saw people mention a lot about the Ladder bars not being comfortable to walk up/and/down Isnt all worth mentioning. Youre only on each bar for a second or less its not like youre standing on it like its the floor. No big deal. My only issue with this bed is that the Ladder bars are not long enough When you put it together so they seem to slide around When you go up/and/downThem. But it is not so big of a deal thats it would cause you any harm. You just hear a sort of Light Clang When you put weight on it Perfect size for my loveseat.
DO NOT PURCHASE! WAIST OF MONEY!! READ THROUGH. I did a follow up review. Box came damaged, bed came damaged. It is not as sturdy as people claim. I have a 12 inch mattress, so maybe one smaller would be perfect for the top bunk. Need to purchase a bed rail for the top bunk. I am going to have to purchase pool noodles for the ladder. Hurts your feet going up. Purchased for my 16 and 9 year old sons. FOLLOW UP REVIEW: Bed is breaking. It is like aluminum and where the ladder is bent. Two months in and need to purchase a new bed. DO NOT PURCHASE! WAIST OF MONEY!!
great price for a great product
Was a good price. Goes together rather quickly. Plenty of safety features securing the mattress isnt going anywhere! Im so glad I got it!
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