Seems very well made and was pretty easy to put together/ as long as you use the instructions. Instructions seemed clear and it took us about 30/45 min to have it all assembled. Cute and good quality
My son loves it but it was a pain in the but to assemble and when your done assembling the bed now you have to go back and tighten down all the screws a pain the but in the end though its worth it took me and my sister 5hrs to assemble Great Buy
It came at a great time. At times it was hard to put together as the holes for screws and bolts were not precisely close. We had to call a third person to help us!! Very pleased with this purchase
Assembly was easy when you have 2 people working on it. Some of the holes didnt quite line up perfectly, but Im not complaining because it was a simple adjustment. Sturdiness is good enough but better when you place it in a corner. Can hold my adult weight of 260lbs fairly well. I wouldnt use it for myself for any length of time, but its perfect for kids between the weights of 40lbs and 120lbs at least. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a budget bunk.
So. bout 3 months in and the bunk bed is still a good investment. I just need to make sure that I tighten the support bolts every month or so. Only downside.
At least it hasnt fallen on the kids like some of the others Ive seen. Mild bumps and bruises at the most if that were to occur anyhow. Since the pieces dont weigh a ton like the wooden bunkbeds I was looking at
Also need to make sure the kids dont use it for a jungle gym. Thats the reason the bolts loosen is my guess. perfectly fine with it
It serves its purpose. bars on head and foot of the bottom bed are easily bent and kids love to stand on them. Not meant for adults. Probably would bend bars if a 200 pound adult with sleep on the beds regularly. Assembly was easy. Instruction packet was included and easy to follow. Price was low so not expecting to last more than a few years. I am very pleased so far
Assembly needs two people but isnt complicated. It is a little wobbly when I climb the ladder but my 6, 9, and 11 year olds have no problem. For the price, I was satisfied. Just follow the instructions and youll be fine!!
Exactly what we hoped for!
Seems very well made and was pretty easy to put together/ as long as you use the instructions. Instructions seemed clear and it took us about 30/45 min to have it all assembled. Cute and good quality
Awesome service
Easy to assemble and study! Well done, great delivery
great deal
This was perfect for my grandchildren! Not too hard to put together you would need to people to make it easier. study and arrived as pictured!
Good price for a twin over full
My son loves it but it was a pain in the but to assemble and when your done assembling the bed now you have to go back and tighten down all the screws a pain the but in the end though its worth it took me and my sister 5hrs to assemble Great Buy
Tricky alignment of screws!
It came at a great time. At times it was hard to put together as the holes for screws and bolts were not precisely close. We had to call a third person to help us!! Very pleased with this purchase
Great budget bunk
Assembly was easy when you have 2 people working on it. Some of the holes didnt quite line up perfectly, but Im not complaining because it was a simple adjustment. Sturdiness is good enough but better when you place it in a corner. Can hold my adult weight of 260lbs fairly well. I wouldnt use it for myself for any length of time, but its perfect for kids between the weights of 40lbs and 120lbs at least. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a budget bunk. Update: So. bout 3 months in and the bunk bed is still a good investment. I just need to make sure that I tighten the support bolts every month or so. Only downside. At least it hasnt fallen on the kids like some of the others Ive seen. Mild bumps and bruises at the most if that were to occur anyhow. Since the pieces dont weigh a ton like the wooden bunkbeds I was looking at Also need to make sure the kids dont use it for a jungle gym. Thats the reason the bolts loosen is my guess. perfectly fine with it
Product as described, was delivered fast!
Product came as described. Fairly easy to put together. Really pleased with the speed of delivery Very happy with product
Okay for the price
It serves its purpose. bars on head and foot of the bottom bed are easily bent and kids love to stand on them. Not meant for adults. Probably would bend bars if a 200 pound adult with sleep on the beds regularly. Assembly was easy. Instruction packet was included and easy to follow. Price was low so not expecting to last more than a few years. I am very pleased so far
Great for the price
Assembly needs two people but isnt complicated. It is a little wobbly when I climb the ladder but my 6, 9, and 11 year olds have no problem. For the price, I was satisfied. Just follow the instructions and youll be fine!!
Great experience!
Very, very easy to assemble took us about 35 minutes to put together. Fast shipping, easy assembly, great value. Very satisfied. Very well built
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