Easy to assemble and pretty sturdy but it is so small it looks like it could be a childs toy. Pay attention to the dimensions. Couldnt return or exchange because I already had set it up. Would recommend and buy again
Its really easy to put together and sturdy. It is way to short to be a sideboard or buffet table. I added some flair and put taller legs on it. It would make a great tv stand for smaller TVs. Its okay
Could be larger
Easy to assemble and pretty sturdy but it is so small it looks like it could be a childs toy. Pay attention to the dimensions. Couldnt return or exchange because I already had set it up. Would recommend and buy again
Small and sturdy
Its really easy to put together and sturdy. It is way to short to be a sideboard or buffet table. I added some flair and put taller legs on it. It would make a great tv stand for smaller TVs. Its okay
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