This is a great desk for the price. It was easy to assemble - only 90 minutes by myself. I assembled the frame upside down then flipped it over carefully before screwing on the table tops. The entire desk is assembled with a provided allen wrench - and I only needed a screwdriver for the roll out tray attachment. It is lightweight yet study enough for my laptop and two additional screens. It is a lot nicer than I was expecting based on price! I tried to upload a photo but it says JPG is an unsupported file type.
It was simple enough to assemble. Not super sturdy, but for the price I wasnt expecting it to be. I hope to be back in office before the end of the year,, so I just needed something simple to get me through.. I have a laptop, 2 monitors, printer and various office supplies and it holds up well. But if I knock or bump it when moving, everything shakes. Overall, its a good buy for the price.
Looking for temporary and cute? This is it. Using this to work from home. Eventually will get something bigger. Price not bad at all. Assembled by myself... within 30 minutes tops. Love the curved bar on the bottom to rest your feet. Definitely can fix at least 2 monitors and a lab top.
Great simple desk for the price. This gives me extra work space needed for spreading out my files when working from home. It is quite sturdy and easy to put together, although its best to have someone assist with assembly as it is heavy. My only disappointment is that the keyboard tray will not close without breaking off keyboard keys if I have the keyboard raised to an tilted position. I just have to remember to lower the tabs and flatten the keyboard before sliding the tray back under the desk at the end of the day. Overall, Im very happy with my purchase!!
Great value!
This is a great desk for the price. It was easy to assemble - only 90 minutes by myself. I assembled the frame upside down then flipped it over carefully before screwing on the table tops. The entire desk is assembled with a provided allen wrench - and I only needed a screwdriver for the roll out tray attachment. It is lightweight yet study enough for my laptop and two additional screens. It is a lot nicer than I was expecting based on price! I tried to upload a photo but it says JPG is an unsupported file type.
Great deal
Mess a gift for mom and she loves it
Good buy
It was simple enough to assemble. Not super sturdy, but for the price I wasnt expecting it to be. I hope to be back in office before the end of the year,, so I just needed something simple to get me through.. I have a laptop, 2 monitors, printer and various office supplies and it holds up well. But if I knock or bump it when moving, everything shakes. Overall, its a good buy for the price.
Love it!!
Sturdy and beautiful!!!
Great buy
My son really likes this desk
It is Okay
It’s a nice looking desk two of the holes didnt line up so beware
Easy to assemble
My 12 year old put it together
Worth the buy.
Looking for temporary and cute? This is it. Using this to work from home. Eventually will get something bigger. Price not bad at all. Assembled by myself... within 30 minutes tops. Love the curved bar on the bottom to rest your feet. Definitely can fix at least 2 monitors and a lab top.
Easy and sturdy
Equal quality to price. Highly recommend.
Great extra workspace!
Great simple desk for the price. This gives me extra work space needed for spreading out my files when working from home. It is quite sturdy and easy to put together, although its best to have someone assist with assembly as it is heavy. My only disappointment is that the keyboard tray will not close without breaking off keyboard keys if I have the keyboard raised to an tilted position. I just have to remember to lower the tabs and flatten the keyboard before sliding the tray back under the desk at the end of the day. Overall, Im very happy with my purchase!!
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