This is a great desk for the price. It was easy to assemble - only 90 minutes by myself. I assembled the frame upside down then flipped it over carefully before screwing on the table tops. The entire desk is assembled with a provided allen wrench - and I only needed a screwdriver for the roll out tray attachment. It is lightweight yet study enough for my laptop and two additional screens. It is a lot nicer than I was expecting based on price! I tried to upload a photo but it says JPG is an unsupported file type.
Great value!
This is a great desk for the price. It was easy to assemble - only 90 minutes by myself. I assembled the frame upside down then flipped it over carefully before screwing on the table tops. The entire desk is assembled with a provided allen wrench - and I only needed a screwdriver for the roll out tray attachment. It is lightweight yet study enough for my laptop and two additional screens. It is a lot nicer than I was expecting based on price! I tried to upload a photo but it says JPG is an unsupported file type.