This was bought for my office space. It fit perfectly to size as advertised. The assembly instructions weren’t the greatest, my husband put it together for me. The drawers are not flush with the rest of the unit due to the assembly holes being a bit more forward than they should be. This was a bit irritating however, I still feel it’s a decent buy for the money. The filing drawers have 2 file size options be sure to set this with file size in mind. The cubicle section was perfect for square fabric baskets to fit into. Overall good buy.
I ordered this product once and loved it. It was easy to assemble on my own and its pretty sturdy for the price. I loved it so much I ordered a 2nd one as a present, it wasnt going to arrive for weeks due to the holidays but to my surprise it ended up showing up a week or so earlier than expected. Unfortunately the box came damaged during shipping which made my product damaged. I was super sad but this company came through and most definitely resolved the issue fast. Cant thank them enough for the amazing product but even better customer service they have provided. I would for sure recommend them and I will buy their products again after the crazy holiday season is over.
Has scratch on the top upper coner right side and The 2 holes on the back top shelves are wider than the screws.but it wasy to assemble and beautiful color and we like it.
It’s cute. But plan to spend hours putting it together. I’m still putting this together but wanted to take a break to get out my frustration. Cute but again- plan to spend a few hours putting it together
These things are cheap but serve their function. I wouldn’t put anything heavy on one and they don’t give an impression of being really stable since they’re made of cheap materials, but they look fine and work fine as long as you don’t expect them to be as sturdy as real wood or metal.
Delivered early! Perfect size and sturdy. Easy to assemble, only problem I ran into was pilot holes where off on center panel for the white drawer slides. I had to drill new holes so drawers were level.
Similar to putting Ike’s furniture together. Takes a bit of time but is straightforward. Looks nice but my only complaint is that it’s a bit wobbly especially if you move it. Not really a big deal because I am not really moving it around and basically just holds my printer a lamp and whatever other small things I’ll put in the drawers.
Overall I think the $150 I paid is a fair price. $100 would be a good price. But it’s furniture so they can charge more. I’d recommend if you need a filing cabinet.
This shelf is just the size I needed for my home office, but I wish I’d spent an extra $30 and hired someone to build it for me. It seems sturdy enough, and the drawers slide easily, but this was one of the more difficult pieces of furniture I’ve built. The directions were (relatively) easy to follow, but it’s 22 pages of steps to reach the final product. I also disliked how greasy the bottom drawer pulls were - I know it’s necessary for a good slide, but I did have to stop and wash my hands multiple times!
Check that unit assembly holes are drilled properly
This was bought for my office space. It fit perfectly to size as advertised. The assembly instructions weren’t the greatest, my husband put it together for me. The drawers are not flush with the rest of the unit due to the assembly holes being a bit more forward than they should be. This was a bit irritating however, I still feel it’s a decent buy for the money. The filing drawers have 2 file size options be sure to set this with file size in mind. The cubicle section was perfect for square fabric baskets to fit into. Overall good buy.
Amazing product and even better customer service
I ordered this product once and loved it. It was easy to assemble on my own and its pretty sturdy for the price. I loved it so much I ordered a 2nd one as a present, it wasnt going to arrive for weeks due to the holidays but to my surprise it ended up showing up a week or so earlier than expected. Unfortunately the box came damaged during shipping which made my product damaged. I was super sad but this company came through and most definitely resolved the issue fast. Cant thank them enough for the amazing product but even better customer service they have provided. I would for sure recommend them and I will buy their products again after the crazy holiday season is over.
Once put together, looks great!
The instructions were a bit overwhelming to me, so I had a friend assemble it.
Color assembly and price are great
Has scratch on the top upper coner right side and The 2 holes on the back top shelves are wider than the screws.but it wasy to assemble and beautiful color and we like it.
Don’t buy it unless you’re handy
It’s cute. But plan to spend hours putting it together. I’m still putting this together but wanted to take a break to get out my frustration. Cute but again- plan to spend a few hours putting it together
Cheap but functional office furniture
These things are cheap but serve their function. I wouldn’t put anything heavy on one and they don’t give an impression of being really stable since they’re made of cheap materials, but they look fine and work fine as long as you don’t expect them to be as sturdy as real wood or metal.
TV stand
Delivered early! Perfect size and sturdy. Easy to assemble, only problem I ran into was pilot holes where off on center panel for the white drawer slides. I had to drill new holes so drawers were level.
Looks good but a bit wobbly
Similar to putting Ike’s furniture together. Takes a bit of time but is straightforward. Looks nice but my only complaint is that it’s a bit wobbly especially if you move it. Not really a big deal because I am not really moving it around and basically just holds my printer a lamp and whatever other small things I’ll put in the drawers. Overall I think the $150 I paid is a fair price. $100 would be a good price. But it’s furniture so they can charge more. I’d recommend if you need a filing cabinet.
Easy to put together and looks as seen. Very happy
Really happy with this purchase
Labor of love
This shelf is just the size I needed for my home office, but I wish I’d spent an extra $30 and hired someone to build it for me. It seems sturdy enough, and the drawers slide easily, but this was one of the more difficult pieces of furniture I’ve built. The directions were (relatively) easy to follow, but it’s 22 pages of steps to reach the final product. I also disliked how greasy the bottom drawer pulls were - I know it’s necessary for a good slide, but I did have to stop and wash my hands multiple times!
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