Check that unit assembly holes are drilled properly
This was bought for my office space. It fit perfectly to size as advertised. The assembly instructions weren’t the greatest, my husband put it together for me. The drawers are not flush with the rest of the unit due to the assembly holes being a bit more forward than they should be. This was a bit irritating however, I still feel it’s a decent buy for the money. The filing drawers have 2 file size options be sure to set this with file size in mind. The cubicle section was perfect for square fabric baskets to fit into. Overall good buy.
Check that unit assembly holes are drilled properly
This was bought for my office space. It fit perfectly to size as advertised. The assembly instructions weren’t the greatest, my husband put it together for me. The drawers are not flush with the rest of the unit due to the assembly holes being a bit more forward than they should be. This was a bit irritating however, I still feel it’s a decent buy for the money. The filing drawers have 2 file size options be sure to set this with file size in mind. The cubicle section was perfect for square fabric baskets to fit into. Overall good buy.