Great product, loving it! Thanks Cant beat the price, strong and sturdy, works as described. The only issues I had was with the cross bars and how difficult it was to line them up. The directions do not clearly explain how the holes line up but it was done, just took longer than it should have in my opinion.
If youre thinking about it...Order it! Super cute. Perfect for my toddlers. I wasnt prepared for the top bunk to need such a slim mattress, but we made it work. I feel its sturdy for the kids but I 2nd guess climbing up it to make the bed lol! Its not your average size bunk bed which is perfect for us I knew that before purchasing. I do wish the bottom had Atleast some type of head board on one end though that is one thing I did not really pay attention to before.
This bed would be great if it was not so noisy--if there is any movement, it squeaks and makes noise. If I could return, I would. The design needs to be improved so there is not so much noise.
They Look perfect in my quest room it didnt come with all the peices had to go to the hardware store to buy some bolts and when my 10 year old get on it it squeaks like crazy and we tighten the bolts as tight as we could. we even took it apart again and put it back together again. Itsstill good with only those two bumps.
Absolutely love it. For the price you cant beat this bunk bed. The best part about it is that it sits close to the floor so the top bunk has more head room. For small kids that have to share a room this is ideal. It is a little wobbly but not creaky so thats good. The kids love it.
It arrived in good condition so easy to put it together Perfect for young kids. The bottom bed is inches off the floor, making it safe for the 2 year old the top is less than 5 feet the 4 year old loves it. Very well made easy to make. Very pleased with it
Beautiful and easy to assemble easy to out together, can hold 200lbs+ on top bunk. we like it. top bunk needs a thinner mattress if falling off while sleeping is a concern
Great quality and design for the value I love the low profile design. Makes it so much nicer for the person on the top bunk.
Bottom bunk has nice head room as well.
Seems pretty sturdy.
Great product but assembly and directions could be better
Great product, loving it! Thanks Cant beat the price, strong and sturdy, works as described. The only issues I had was with the cross bars and how difficult it was to line them up. The directions do not clearly explain how the holes line up but it was done, just took longer than it should have in my opinion.
If youre thinking about it...Order it! Super cute. Perfect for my toddlers. I wasnt prepared for the top bunk to need such a slim mattress, but we made it work. I feel its sturdy for the kids but I 2nd guess climbing up it to make the bed lol! Its not your average size bunk bed which is perfect for us I knew that before purchasing. I do wish the bottom had Atleast some type of head board on one end though that is one thing I did not really pay attention to before.
This bed would be great if it was not so noisy--if there is any movement, it squeaks and makes noise. If I could return, I would. The design needs to be improved so there is not so much noise.
very sleek
They Look perfect in my quest room it didnt come with all the peices had to go to the hardware store to buy some bolts and when my 10 year old get on it it squeaks like crazy and we tighten the bolts as tight as we could. we even took it apart again and put it back together again. Itsstill good with only those two bumps.
Serves the purpose, better than others
Absolutely love it. For the price you cant beat this bunk bed. The best part about it is that it sits close to the floor so the top bunk has more head room. For small kids that have to share a room this is ideal. It is a little wobbly but not creaky so thats good. The kids love it.
Great space saver, and it serves it purposes.
Daughter liked the birthday gift It created more space for a small area. It was well worth it and the price was good also.
Great for the $!
I assembled this alone. My kids love it, and it was super easy to do!:) arrived quickly
Sturdier than a toddler bed just as safe
It arrived in good condition so easy to put it together Perfect for young kids. The bottom bed is inches off the floor, making it safe for the 2 year old the top is less than 5 feet the 4 year old loves it. Very well made easy to make. Very pleased with it
great bunk bed
Beautiful and easy to assemble easy to out together, can hold 200lbs+ on top bunk. we like it. top bunk needs a thinner mattress if falling off while sleeping is a concern
Great quality and design for the value I love the low profile design. Makes it so much nicer for the person on the top bunk. Bottom bunk has nice head room as well. Seems pretty sturdy.
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