Easy to assemble! So luxurious! It was kind of hard to put together. It really does take about 2 - 3 hours. But my son loves it, Its sturdy, and it looks really nice for just being black painted metal.
Great value and well made It has lots of rough spots, dents and holes on the parts. Medium stability- shakes a bit.
Was easy to assemble. My kid loved it though.
Look Great Reasonably Priced This bunk bed is is amazing. The most bang for your buck in regards to price, size, comfort, functionality, ease of set up, sturdiness, you name it. I wish I could go back in time and have ordered this one a few years ago.
Didnt take long to set up, all pieces labeled well, the only thing I would potentially mark as something to improve is the rungs on the ladder, the edge of them are not molded well/are sharp. Easy fix for us, but by fixing you lose some of the finish color. There were also a few pieces of the frame that had some bang ups in the frame, however realistically the kids are going to try their best to destroy this anyways, so no harm no foul.
It wont disappoint! Super cheap anf pretty rasy to assemble took two of use around an hour. The ladder dosent attach at the bottom fyi. The amount of noise/squeaking the bed makes everytime my 3yr old is going to bed is very loud!! However, it serves its purpose.
Glad I found what I wanted Really like the set up of this bunk bed. Was fairly easy to assemble (one or two holes didnt exactly line up, but wasnt that big of a deal). Has seemed sturdy with kids on and off of it all day, every day.
I love that its lower to the ground.
My one complaint is that it squeaks with every movement, like even breathing. It is a bit of a deterrent and thats the only reason I couldnt give it five stars.
Great for the price!
Easy to assemble! So luxurious! It was kind of hard to put together. It really does take about 2 - 3 hours. But my son loves it, Its sturdy, and it looks really nice for just being black painted metal.
Good for the money
Great value and well made It has lots of rough spots, dents and holes on the parts. Medium stability- shakes a bit. Was easy to assemble. My kid loved it though.
Bunk bed
... exactly as it shows in the picture and the best.. My boys love this bunk bed and its very sturdy
Order this.
Look Great Reasonably Priced This bunk bed is is amazing. The most bang for your buck in regards to price, size, comfort, functionality, ease of set up, sturdiness, you name it. I wish I could go back in time and have ordered this one a few years ago. Didnt take long to set up, all pieces labeled well, the only thing I would potentially mark as something to improve is the rungs on the ladder, the edge of them are not molded well/are sharp. Easy fix for us, but by fixing you lose some of the finish color. There were also a few pieces of the frame that had some bang ups in the frame, however realistically the kids are going to try their best to destroy this anyways, so no harm no foul.
So much nicer than the other bunk bed in the kids room
Just what we were looking at a great price It arrived late but its worth the wait. My daughter loves this bed!
It will do !
It wont disappoint! Super cheap anf pretty rasy to assemble took two of use around an hour. The ladder dosent attach at the bottom fyi. The amount of noise/squeaking the bed makes everytime my 3yr old is going to bed is very loud!! However, it serves its purpose.
Kids love it!
Perfect for what I wanted Squeaky
Straight forward, low bunk bed, that squeaks.
Glad I found what I wanted Really like the set up of this bunk bed. Was fairly easy to assemble (one or two holes didnt exactly line up, but wasnt that big of a deal). Has seemed sturdy with kids on and off of it all day, every day. I love that its lower to the ground. My one complaint is that it squeaks with every movement, like even breathing. It is a bit of a deterrent and thats the only reason I couldnt give it five stars.
Love it!
Long time to assemble. But worth the time. Easy for 2 people to put together. Looks good. Price is right.
Metal slats are hollow that hold top bunk so the bars bend and the bed keeps falling Down onto bottom bunk
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