Loved how all the hardware was marked in its own bag. Made the assembly almost a breeze, so many parts but anybody can do it. Seems study but I would not recommend jumping on it. My daughter is using for her rental house for college. I am impressed!
This bed is so nice for the price. It is sturdy and it doesnt squeak, like I thought it would. My daughter loves it. Ive still got to get the curtains made to go around it, but she loves her bed. Buying another !
the bed was easy enough to put together, i did it myself, without my husbands help. it didnt take long at all. my daughter loves it. we used sheer curtains to finish off the look. it was well worth the money. One of my best buys.
I can tell that this bed is really sturdy if you get parts that properly fit. The side that is screwed together is super snug and sturdy.
However the entire left side, the holes in the poles are too small for the screws. No amount of force will remotely make it fit. I now have a half assembled bed on my floor.
I contacted the seller several days ago and have not heard back. Wildly disappointed as I know its very cute and can tell if the tools fit itd be really sturdy.
After reading several of the review, I ordered two of these beds. Put the two of them together in a couple hours and so far no problems. Have had them for a few months now. They really are fairly easy to put together and it helps to have a cordless driver. Quick ship.
Quick assembly
Looks good
Sturdy (Im relatively large)
Quick delivery (day before estimated time)
Easy to move
2 person job hard to assemble alone>
Lot of trash
Slides around
External tools needed due to bad given ones Sturdy.
since I bought 2, assembled by myself and not the same day the second bed had an issue with one pole not correctly lining up, which happen to be one of the post that attached to the headboard. The pre drilled hole to use for the bolts to hold them together was off, and sat too high. However, I was able to use a diamond bit to drill lower for it, and used threadlock to prevent it from being pulled out. Not ideal, but, Im a single mom, and since I have my hands full I missed the return date by a week and had to make it work.
Original review:
The directions stated it would take two or more people to assemble the bed. It was only a twin, and I managed to put it together by myself. Now, it also said assembly takes about an hour, but doing it alone took me about two/two and half hours start to finish.
All the bolts were righted well after the bed was fully together, and since it was for my daughter, we added some sheer drapes over the bars and she said she felt like a princess.
Its lightweight, which means I can move it without help, but its also sturdy enough that I could sleep on it as an adult.
Tools were included, however, the tool they gave to tighten the nuts was basically useless, I used my own which saved me a lot of time.
As a single mom, I recommend for anyone who would consider putting it together alone, or moving it alone. These are important factors for some people, so I hope that information is helpful to those who consider it important, like myself. Worth it!!!
Great instructions
Loved how all the hardware was marked in its own bag. Made the assembly almost a breeze, so many parts but anybody can do it. Seems study but I would not recommend jumping on it. My daughter is using for her rental house for college. I am impressed!
Wrong instruction manual sent
Wrong instruction manual sent, so parts are labeled incorrectly Not as easy as people say.
Good quality frame
Simple and cute design, definitely recommend. Might need a friend to help put it up though Satisfied
We love this bed!
This bed is so nice for the price. It is sturdy and it doesnt squeak, like I thought it would. My daughter loves it. Ive still got to get the curtains made to go around it, but she loves her bed. Buying another !
purchased the black, twin.
the bed was easy enough to put together, i did it myself, without my husbands help. it didnt take long at all. my daughter loves it. we used sheer curtains to finish off the look. it was well worth the money. One of my best buys.
Screws dont fit
I can tell that this bed is really sturdy if you get parts that properly fit. The side that is screwed together is super snug and sturdy. However the entire left side, the holes in the poles are too small for the screws. No amount of force will remotely make it fit. I now have a half assembled bed on my floor. I contacted the seller several days ago and have not heard back. Wildly disappointed as I know its very cute and can tell if the tools fit itd be really sturdy.
Nice bed!
After reading several of the review, I ordered two of these beds. Put the two of them together in a couple hours and so far no problems. Have had them for a few months now. They really are fairly easy to put together and it helps to have a cordless driver. Quick ship.
WHERE DO THE BOLTS GO THEY DONT FIT SOMEONE PLEASE HELP IM IN DISTRESS This is really easy to assemble and pretty sturdy.
Bring a friend to build it
Pros: Quick assembly Looks good Sturdy (Im relatively large) Quick delivery (day before estimated time) Light Easy to move Cons: 2 person job hard to assemble alone> Lot of trash Slides around External tools needed due to bad given ones Sturdy.
Easy enough for a single momma
Edit: since I bought 2, assembled by myself and not the same day the second bed had an issue with one pole not correctly lining up, which happen to be one of the post that attached to the headboard. The pre drilled hole to use for the bolts to hold them together was off, and sat too high. However, I was able to use a diamond bit to drill lower for it, and used threadlock to prevent it from being pulled out. Not ideal, but, Im a single mom, and since I have my hands full I missed the return date by a week and had to make it work. Original review: The directions stated it would take two or more people to assemble the bed. It was only a twin, and I managed to put it together by myself. Now, it also said assembly takes about an hour, but doing it alone took me about two/two and half hours start to finish. All the bolts were righted well after the bed was fully together, and since it was for my daughter, we added some sheer drapes over the bars and she said she felt like a princess. Its lightweight, which means I can move it without help, but its also sturdy enough that I could sleep on it as an adult. Tools were included, however, the tool they gave to tighten the nuts was basically useless, I used my own which saved me a lot of time. As a single mom, I recommend for anyone who would consider putting it together alone, or moving it alone. These are important factors for some people, so I hope that information is helpful to those who consider it important, like myself. Worth it!!!
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