I can tell that this bed is really sturdy if you get parts that properly fit. The side that is screwed together is super snug and sturdy.
However the entire left side, the holes in the poles are too small for the screws. No amount of force will remotely make it fit. I now have a half assembled bed on my floor.
I contacted the seller several days ago and have not heard back. Wildly disappointed as I know its very cute and can tell if the tools fit itd be really sturdy.
Screws dont fit
I can tell that this bed is really sturdy if you get parts that properly fit. The side that is screwed together is super snug and sturdy. However the entire left side, the holes in the poles are too small for the screws. No amount of force will remotely make it fit. I now have a half assembled bed on my floor. I contacted the seller several days ago and have not heard back. Wildly disappointed as I know its very cute and can tell if the tools fit itd be really sturdy.