I am really happy with this purchase! For $80 it was way cheaper than similar items I saw in store. It was very easy to put together and seems reasonable in terms of quality. It fits my space nicely!
The original table came without hardware, but the company was so quick to send replacement hardware and it came very fast! The table is easy to assemble and looks amazing! Great value for the money.
I have been very pleased with my coffee table. It was just as it looked in the picture; was easy to assemble and very affordable. Thank you for your clarity.
Perfect especially for the price. I looked exhaustively for a round table for our formal living room remodel. We are on a drastic budget because we are planning to list and relocate to a different part of the country. Things we are purchasing need to transcend home style and not add cost to the move.
The only knock I have is one if the tabs for the glass was bent in the wrong direction. Because we have a robust tool chest and skill, we were able to bend it back and have the glass sit correctly. Probably the integrity on the table is a bit compromised. Not a big deal but with mentioning the little Allen wrench included wasnt going to fix the manufacture error. I would purchase this again.
Very cute and true to pictures.
Close no cigar
Beautiful table but cant with the matte gold scratched.
Great value and looks trendy!
I am really happy with this purchase! For $80 it was way cheaper than similar items I saw in store. It was very easy to put together and seems reasonable in terms of quality. It fits my space nicely!
The original table came without hardware, but the company was so quick to send replacement hardware and it came very fast! The table is easy to assemble and looks amazing! Great value for the money.
Cute, sturdy, perfect for the price!
Perfect table for the price! Its sturdy, looks great and is big enough for a giant couch. I am very pleased with this purchase!!
Very pretty
I have been very pleased with my coffee table. It was just as it looked in the picture; was easy to assemble and very affordable. Thank you for your clarity.
Looks modern on a budget!
Great value for the money! Love the way it looks. Fairly easy to assemble too
Nice table !!
Perfect especially for the price. I looked exhaustively for a round table for our formal living room remodel. We are on a drastic budget because we are planning to list and relocate to a different part of the country. Things we are purchasing need to transcend home style and not add cost to the move. The only knock I have is one if the tabs for the glass was bent in the wrong direction. Because we have a robust tool chest and skill, we were able to bend it back and have the glass sit correctly. Probably the integrity on the table is a bit compromised. Not a big deal but with mentioning the little Allen wrench included wasnt going to fix the manufacture error. I would purchase this again.
Exactly as in the photo
Easy to assemble
Wow this table is so cute. Very easy to assemble and looks great!
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