I bought this so I could rock my granddaughter when feeding her and getting her to sleep, and Im so completely satisfied with my purchase. I was concerned that it would be thin and cheap, but I was gladly mistaken. It was easy to put together. The back, legs, and arms come put together already so youre basically just attaching everything to the seat. I put it together myself and it only took about 20 minutes. Its sturdy, comfortable, and so beautiful. If youre on the fence, just get it. You wont be sorry. I wouldnt put it outside. Im pretty sure its only meant for indoors. Ill definitely be handing this down to kids and grandkids. Ill update this review if anything changes. No pictures, but it is as advertised.
Pleasantly surprised with how nice the chair is for the price. It was easy to assemble except one screw and pre-drilled hole didnt quite align properly which was frustrating. That made the arm a little less stable than I would like but overall its a decent chair.
If you are looking for a chair to fit a large person, this is not what you want. Even though it has a 300 lb rating, the chair is too small for a person anywhere near 300 pounds. I would return the chair but since it is already assembled, that is not practical. I assume they count on not getting a disassembled chair back since Im not sure how one would return the pieces. Really disappointed. Also they do not pay for any return shipping costs
Easy enough to install, following instructions. Surprisingly sturdy; Im a 240-pound man and after 4 months, it is still tightly held together. Only one piece has slightly loosened, the right side armrest. But the wood seems very sturdy, no cracks, it wasnt bowed, everything went together just fine. Very comfortable.
after a few months and not a lot of stress on the rocker, it developed a crack in the backplate which appears to have started with the back head plate being not fastened correctly when they built it. Since then the bottom of the back spindles(dont know the name) have come loose and the racker has become limited in its use. I bought it because most rockers are too narrow in the hips and are not built for my weight but the wood used here seems to be less than advertised. If I had known this chair was that fragile I would not have purchased it. Size for hips better and I really wanted to love it. The last rocker lasted about two or three decades this one less than 2 months.
We are very pleased with our new Rocker. It arrived on time to rock our first grand baby. Like the coffee color and got some cushions for it and are very pleased
There were no instructions included. I put it together fairly easily. The only negative is the seat is too narrow. If it were a 1 inch wider it would be a 5.
Beautiful and sturdy
I bought this so I could rock my granddaughter when feeding her and getting her to sleep, and Im so completely satisfied with my purchase. I was concerned that it would be thin and cheap, but I was gladly mistaken. It was easy to put together. The back, legs, and arms come put together already so youre basically just attaching everything to the seat. I put it together myself and it only took about 20 minutes. Its sturdy, comfortable, and so beautiful. If youre on the fence, just get it. You wont be sorry. I wouldnt put it outside. Im pretty sure its only meant for indoors. Ill definitely be handing this down to kids and grandkids. Ill update this review if anything changes. No pictures, but it is as advertised.
Moms birthday
My mother loved it and its solid
Nice chair for the price
Pleasantly surprised with how nice the chair is for the price. It was easy to assemble except one screw and pre-drilled hole didnt quite align properly which was frustrating. That made the arm a little less stable than I would like but overall its a decent chair.
If you are looking for a chair to fit a large person, this is not what you want. Even though it has a 300 lb rating, the chair is too small for a person anywhere near 300 pounds. I would return the chair but since it is already assembled, that is not practical. I assume they count on not getting a disassembled chair back since Im not sure how one would return the pieces. Really disappointed. Also they do not pay for any return shipping costs
4.5 actually, .5 taken as its not 100 percent sturdy, more like 95 percent
Easy enough to install, following instructions. Surprisingly sturdy; Im a 240-pound man and after 4 months, it is still tightly held together. Only one piece has slightly loosened, the right side armrest. But the wood seems very sturdy, no cracks, it wasnt bowed, everything went together just fine. Very comfortable.
Nice rocker
Nice solid rocker. Good for my back. I had a friend assemble it.
would have been a nice chair IF
after a few months and not a lot of stress on the rocker, it developed a crack in the backplate which appears to have started with the back head plate being not fastened correctly when they built it. Since then the bottom of the back spindles(dont know the name) have come loose and the racker has become limited in its use. I bought it because most rockers are too narrow in the hips and are not built for my weight but the wood used here seems to be less than advertised. If I had known this chair was that fragile I would not have purchased it. Size for hips better and I really wanted to love it. The last rocker lasted about two or three decades this one less than 2 months.
White wooden rocker
Beautiful in the nursery
We are very pleased with our new Rocker
We are very pleased with our new Rocker. It arrived on time to rock our first grand baby. Like the coffee color and got some cushions for it and are very pleased
Sturdy but narrow
There were no instructions included. I put it together fairly easily. The only negative is the seat is too narrow. If it were a 1 inch wider it would be a 5.
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