I bought this so I could rock my granddaughter when feeding her and getting her to sleep, and Im so completely satisfied with my purchase. I was concerned that it would be thin and cheap, but I was gladly mistaken. It was easy to put together. The back, legs, and arms come put together already so youre basically just attaching everything to the seat. I put it together myself and it only took about 20 minutes. Its sturdy, comfortable, and so beautiful. If youre on the fence, just get it. You wont be sorry. I wouldnt put it outside. Im pretty sure its only meant for indoors. Ill definitely be handing this down to kids and grandkids. Ill update this review if anything changes. No pictures, but it is as advertised.
Beautiful and sturdy
I bought this so I could rock my granddaughter when feeding her and getting her to sleep, and Im so completely satisfied with my purchase. I was concerned that it would be thin and cheap, but I was gladly mistaken. It was easy to put together. The back, legs, and arms come put together already so youre basically just attaching everything to the seat. I put it together myself and it only took about 20 minutes. Its sturdy, comfortable, and so beautiful. If youre on the fence, just get it. You wont be sorry. I wouldnt put it outside. Im pretty sure its only meant for indoors. Ill definitely be handing this down to kids and grandkids. Ill update this review if anything changes. No pictures, but it is as advertised.