We got this for my young son. He absolutely loves it. It took a good while to assemble, but it feels so sturdy that it was worth it. Its high enough that my son can easily play underneath or we can store a lot of things, but not so high that I worry about my son falling off or being unable to climb down while half asleep (which hes done every night for a couple months without issue). My husband (63 and 240 lbs) can easily fit up there with our son, though it is a little bit tight for him to climb down. Overall, Id definitely recommend this bed. Best choice
We bought this For our three year old daughter to put in our new home. We all absolutely love this bed I wish they had this when I was growing up. It is extremely sturdy and her and I sleep in it sometimes together. It is the perfect height for her and I am not worried that she will fall out of bed at all. If needed you could even put a dresser under the bed. This is got to be the best purchase Ive ever purchased from we are extremely happy thank you Be sure to have it
The bed came with all parts and was relatively easy to assemble. It seems to be very sturdy. Only reason I didnt give 5 stars is that one side of the ladder was slightly longer than the bed legs so we had to trim a sliver of wood off the bottom of it to make it even. Not sure how that happens, but I guess the machine just mis/cut it. The instructions were perfect! I didnt get confused at all
My 9 year old was starting to grow out of her twin bed and headboard and she had wanted a bunk bed. We werent comfortable with a bunk bed and this low loft bed was an aming compromise. Went with the full size. It had plenty of room for a reading nook and storage. My daughter absolutely loves this bed. I had seen some reviews about broken pieces and I did not have any. The bed was phenomenally packaged and the box was HEAVY! I ended up dragging it inside and taking several pieces upstairs. Took about 2 1/2 hours to put together by myself and taking my time. very pleasantly surprised
Love it
We got this for my young son. He absolutely loves it. It took a good while to assemble, but it feels so sturdy that it was worth it. Its high enough that my son can easily play underneath or we can store a lot of things, but not so high that I worry about my son falling off or being unable to climb down while half asleep (which hes done every night for a couple months without issue). My husband (63 and 240 lbs) can easily fit up there with our son, though it is a little bit tight for him to climb down. Overall, Id definitely recommend this bed. Best choice
Very sturdy bed!!
My son loves it!! Its very sturdy and looks aming!! Comes as shown in picture.
Absolutely aming!
We bought this For our three year old daughter to put in our new home. We all absolutely love this bed I wish they had this when I was growing up. It is extremely sturdy and her and I sleep in it sometimes together. It is the perfect height for her and I am not worried that she will fall out of bed at all. If needed you could even put a dresser under the bed. This is got to be the best purchase Ive ever purchased from we are extremely happy thank you Be sure to have it
Great for the price
The bed came with all parts and was relatively easy to assemble. It seems to be very sturdy. Only reason I didnt give 5 stars is that one side of the ladder was slightly longer than the bed legs so we had to trim a sliver of wood off the bottom of it to make it even. Not sure how that happens, but I guess the machine just mis/cut it. The instructions were perfect! I didnt get confused at all
Missing screws
Missing some screws, idk where to find spare ones Needs better support
Fantastic bed! My daughter loves it!
My 9 year old was starting to grow out of her twin bed and headboard and she had wanted a bunk bed. We werent comfortable with a bunk bed and this low loft bed was an aming compromise. Went with the full size. It had plenty of room for a reading nook and storage. My daughter absolutely loves this bed. I had seen some reviews about broken pieces and I did not have any. The bed was phenomenally packaged and the box was HEAVY! I ended up dragging it inside and taking several pieces upstairs. Took about 2 1/2 hours to put together by myself and taking my time. very pleasantly surprised
Well built/
Great bed for the price/ easy install. Easy to assemble just takes a while
Great bed!
Easy to assemble, very sturdy my 7 yo love this bed. Purchased the gray color very nice. Great bed! I think this is a good option
Accurate instructions and solid construction
Impressive fit and finish. All parts were included without ANY issues, and all holes were drilled with precision alignment! LOVE LOVE LOVE
Grandson loves it
Very nice, for grandson and visitors This product is pretty decent for the price
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