Took my husband about 2/3 hrs to put together himself. My 4 yo loves it. The stairs are very uncomfortable but thats an easy fix by adding cushions or cutting pool noodles. Overall very happy with my purchase. Very helpful.
Very easy to assemble and is pretty sturdy. You will want to either use some lock tight or make sure you go through and tighten the bolts every few weeks as they do start to loosen. Thats expected though with a product. My son loves his bed and his area beneath it. Very nice product!
I would expect a bed of this quality to be around 200, instead of the 420+ of the workstation model. The problems are numerous // frame elements are uneven, leading to strange gaps around the desk. The bed does not feel sturdy at all // it shimmies quite a bit. A couple of the braces had malformed machine/screw holes, leading to bolts that would not catch completely.
From a design standpoint, the ladder does not lead to an opening, meaning you will constantly rack yourself on hard bars as you are trying to climb into and out of bed. Additionally, the keyboard drawer is far too low // Im only 511 and I can barely pull it out without it banging my knees, even with my office chair lowered quite far down.
My teenage son put this together with me hleping. It was pretty easy to put together. It squeaks when my younger son gets in it but not bad. It is a bed so I expected that. Value.
Worth it. My 4 year old and 2 year old give this bed a beating and it has been a champ. We have a queen size bed under this bunk for now (a good thing trust me). But will buy again when the boys are older as they share a room and will each need a desk. Worth a buy.
Sturdy and a lot of room below the bed
Took my husband about 2/3 hrs to put together himself. My 4 yo loves it. The stairs are very uncomfortable but thats an easy fix by adding cushions or cutting pool noodles. Overall very happy with my purchase. Very helpful.
Great they dont squeak!!!!!
Bought 2 of them they are great sturdy and dont squeak!!!! Very compact.
Great bed frame.
Very easy to assemble and is pretty sturdy. You will want to either use some lock tight or make sure you go through and tighten the bolts every few weeks as they do start to loosen. Thats expected though with a product. My son loves his bed and his area beneath it. Very nice product!
Great bed
This bed is solid and doesnt squeak or make the noises other loft beds do. It fits a futon under it very nicely. Well made. It was just what I wanted.
Low/quality product; overpriced, flimsy, and poorly designed
I would expect a bed of this quality to be around 200, instead of the 420+ of the workstation model. The problems are numerous // frame elements are uneven, leading to strange gaps around the desk. The bed does not feel sturdy at all // it shimmies quite a bit. A couple of the braces had malformed machine/screw holes, leading to bolts that would not catch completely. From a design standpoint, the ladder does not lead to an opening, meaning you will constantly rack yourself on hard bars as you are trying to climb into and out of bed. Additionally, the keyboard drawer is far too low // Im only 511 and I can barely pull it out without it banging my knees, even with my office chair lowered quite far down.
Good Cheap Bed
Directions are fairly straight forward, but expect to spend some time assembling. Will be ordering more.
Space saver
Great so far. Very happy.
Nice product
Used for my daughter, works well for her room Well built!!
My 10 year loves this bed
My teenage son put this together with me hleping. It was pretty easy to put together. It squeaks when my younger son gets in it but not bad. It is a bed so I expected that. Value.
Great buy
Worth it. My 4 year old and 2 year old give this bed a beating and it has been a champ. We have a queen size bed under this bunk for now (a good thing trust me). But will buy again when the boys are older as they share a room and will each need a desk. Worth a buy.
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