My child loves this as a desk chair at home. It is very easy to put together (just put 3 pieces on top of each other and fasten a few bolts). The fabric is very soft. I ordered the dark green color and I would actually call it a peacock blue, but that happens to be better with our decor so were very satisfied. The cushion is firm, but its slightly domed shape is great for my child who was having trouble in a more bucket-style chair before. For the price, it does the job very well and looks nice.
my boyfriend has back problems and was concerned that this is just a good-looking chair that would not be functional for him. he used the chair for his remote job (8hrs a day) and admitted he was wrong! he says it’s very comfortable and has not given him any issues at all.
the assembly was easy, the raising up and lowering down work smoothly, the velvet is soft and good quality, and it really is a good-looking chair too.
My 11 year old loves it. Says it’s very comfortable. Rolls easily and looks great in her room. My teen put it together so it’s pretty easy to assemble. I looked for chairs in furniture stores and the price here was better.
More of a decorative piece than a functional office chair. Unreasonably firm. Ergonomically poor. Looks nice, although one of the tuft buttons is very loose and barely hanging on. Relocating this to a children’s area and buying a more traditional office chair to do work.
My daughter put together herself very easy
My daughter loves it. Very comfortable. Easy to assemble. Sturdy. Very good buy.
nice to do business with
My daughter loves it
Good for the price, green is really blue
My child loves this as a desk chair at home. It is very easy to put together (just put 3 pieces on top of each other and fasten a few bolts). The fabric is very soft. I ordered the dark green color and I would actually call it a peacock blue, but that happens to be better with our decor so were very satisfied. The cushion is firm, but its slightly domed shape is great for my child who was having trouble in a more bucket-style chair before. For the price, it does the job very well and looks nice.
My chair came in today and it is super cute
my boyfriend has back problems and was concerned that this is just a good-looking chair that would not be functional for him. he used the chair for his remote job (8hrs a day) and admitted he was wrong! he says it’s very comfortable and has not given him any issues at all. the assembly was easy, the raising up and lowering down work smoothly, the velvet is soft and good quality, and it really is a good-looking chair too.
Worth the money
My 16 year old Son put it together it was easy .
Great chair for school aged kids
My 11 year old loves it. Says it’s very comfortable. Rolls easily and looks great in her room. My teen put it together so it’s pretty easy to assemble. I looked for chairs in furniture stores and the price here was better.
Beautiful chair
My 11 year old granddaughter loved it. no soft and just the right size for her.
Looks good. Very uncomfortable.
More of a decorative piece than a functional office chair. Unreasonably firm. Ergonomically poor. Looks nice, although one of the tuft buttons is very loose and barely hanging on. Relocating this to a children’s area and buying a more traditional office chair to do work.
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