Overall, I’m happy with this chair. Assembly was quick and didn’t require any tools (it took me a minute to figure out how to push the wheels into the base). My one complaint is that the product description on lists the weight rating as 350 lbs, but the instructions that came with the chair list the max load as 300 lbs, and the chair doesn’t feel quite as sturdy as I expected.
Overall, I like the chair. We had to send the first on back because one of the wheels was broken. We received the new one right away and it went together easily. But the wheels are pretty poor quality and do not roll well.
Ordered 2 of these; came a day earlier than expected; assembly very simple. Good quality! So happy with them!!!
: had a problem with one of the chairs after a year of use. Contacted seller, and they were prompt in providing a recommendation. When that didn’t solve the problem, they were quick to make us completely satisfied!
Happy with my purchase.
Perfect chair for my desk.
Chair is beautiful
Packaged well. Beautiful! Would have given 5 stars had they sent directions in english. Hope I did it right.
Inaccurate weight rating on product listing
Overall, I’m happy with this chair. Assembly was quick and didn’t require any tools (it took me a minute to figure out how to push the wheels into the base). My one complaint is that the product description on lists the weight rating as 350 lbs, but the instructions that came with the chair list the max load as 300 lbs, and the chair doesn’t feel quite as sturdy as I expected.
The wheels are not the best quality.
Overall, I like the chair. We had to send the first on back because one of the wheels was broken. We received the new one right away and it went together easily. But the wheels are pretty poor quality and do not roll well.
Beautiful comfortable roomy chair!!
Ordered 2 of these; came a day earlier than expected; assembly very simple. Good quality! So happy with them!!! : had a problem with one of the chairs after a year of use. Contacted seller, and they were prompt in providing a recommendation. When that didn’t solve the problem, they were quick to make us completely satisfied!
Cute and Luxurious!
OMG! Just as I imagined. Its a beautiful chair and its very comfortable! Easy to assemble.
Pretty but not the comfiest
Not the most comfortable chair after a while but it’s super easy to put together and the color is beautiful!!!
Easy to assemble and cute
Not sure how well it will hold up but I love how it looks.
Not strong
Not strong
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