High quality, easy instructions with clearly labeled parts, includes a mini socket wrench, and seems to be incredibly durable given the quality of the parts...for $129? Crazy. I found nothing like it at other online retailers. This is a GREAT deal.
This bed frame is nothing short of amazing. Its worth every single penny. Its a beautiful color, super super study and it is pretty easy to assemble! I did it entirely by myself. You do have to pay close attention to the instructions but over all would recommend!
Easy to put together. They send a little tool that helps. Also- tip- I wouldnt put the sticky rubber stoppers on the bottom until you put the bed in the exact spot. When we moved the bed, they peeled from the bottom.
I am quite impressed with the quality of this bed frame: solid/heavy) wood, no scratches, thoughtful packaging, and well-written instructions. Super sturdy, no squeaks. May buy another for the guest room.
I have purchased 4 memory foam mattress in the last 7 years. 1 for spare bedroom but this is my 3rd that I actually sleep on. I bought my first one from years ago and it was great but I upgraded from a Queen to King. The 2nd one I bought from that was made from bamboo and was supposed to have a 25 year warranty and made in California. Its been 3 years on that one and its awful. I used this one for the first time last night and as soon as I laid down it was firm but also felt like it contoured to my body. This is by far my favorite mattress and I will be a loyal customer until the end.
My husband and I have been sleeping on this for about six months now and I can say with certainty that its a sturdy little bed. We wanted something lower than our previous bed frame so our dog has an easier time jumping up and down from it. Between my husband and myself - when 9 months pregnant - the bed easily handles close to 470lbs and plenty of activity. Overall this has been a fantastic purchase.
Cant believe its this inexpensive
High quality, easy instructions with clearly labeled parts, includes a mini socket wrench, and seems to be incredibly durable given the quality of the parts...for $129? Crazy. I found nothing like it at other online retailers. This is a GREAT deal.
So worth it!
This bed frame is nothing short of amazing. Its worth every single penny. Its a beautiful color, super super study and it is pretty easy to assemble! I did it entirely by myself. You do have to pay close attention to the instructions but over all would recommend!
We use this bed frame for every bed in all our s. Perfect use, none have broken so far. We recommend to everyone.
Sturdy bed- love the color.
Easy to put together. They send a little tool that helps. Also- tip- I wouldnt put the sticky rubber stoppers on the bottom until you put the bed in the exact spot. When we moved the bed, they peeled from the bottom.
Best purchase in a long time
I am quite impressed with the quality of this bed frame: solid/heavy) wood, no scratches, thoughtful packaging, and well-written instructions. Super sturdy, no squeaks. May buy another for the guest room.
Was exactly what I wanted and very well designed- good looking and easy to assemble
Sturdy-good looking-and affordable
4th memory foam mattress over 7 years and this is the best by far!
I have purchased 4 memory foam mattress in the last 7 years. 1 for spare bedroom but this is my 3rd that I actually sleep on. I bought my first one from years ago and it was great but I upgraded from a Queen to King. The 2nd one I bought from that was made from bamboo and was supposed to have a 25 year warranty and made in California. Its been 3 years on that one and its awful. I used this one for the first time last night and as soon as I laid down it was firm but also felt like it contoured to my body. This is by far my favorite mattress and I will be a loyal customer until the end.
Easy to assemble and sturdy!
This bed frame was super easy to assemble. I love the color of it and how sturdy it is. It was a nice upgrade from my twin bed that I had for years!
Amazing bedframe
So far really sturdy, really easy to put together similar style assembly and instructions as . We bought a Queen and its a really nice color too
Sturdy for larger couple
My husband and I have been sleeping on this for about six months now and I can say with certainty that its a sturdy little bed. We wanted something lower than our previous bed frame so our dog has an easier time jumping up and down from it. Between my husband and myself - when 9 months pregnant - the bed easily handles close to 470lbs and plenty of activity. Overall this has been a fantastic purchase.
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