The box arrived looking like they dragged it behind the truck. It was battered and bashed. There was lots of scrapes and missing paint. This could be the fault of the shipper. The contents are all sturdy metal so there was no structural damage but I will have to do some touch up paint. It was missing the hardware. I assume it fell out during shipping. The seller was responsive but took over a week to send new hardware. It was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. I would not want to test that 400 pound rating on the top bunk. The design makes it extremely difficult to make the bed. Fortunately this is a guest room and will rarely need to be made. If this was a daily bed, I would never go to the trouble of making it consequently it would look sloppy. For the money I guess I cant complain too much. Needs improvement in quality.
What a great product and experience. Excellent communication from the seller on the product and shipment. Great instructions. I did assemble by myself but had to use a ladder to assist. Would recommend having a second person standing by for the final connections. In the process I bent one of the bolts (yes they are high quality steel) and the seller immediately sent me replacements, no questions asked. They mention in the instructions to have a second person and if definitely makes the process go smoothly. Wonderful experience and excellent product value. Highly recommend!
I wanted something that both kids and adults could use and this really fit the bill for sturdiness. Its a good product
I am rating 5 stars I had not to many issues I put all the assembly parts together alone, just needed help with holding the parts so it could be screwed its perfect and looks super nice! It is ok for the use.
We purchased 2 bunk beds for our 4 boys who are all teenagers or pre teens. The instructions were very easy to understand as everything seems extremely sturdy for our boys. Overall we are very happy. Best quality product
we stepped on the bottom bunk and broke it. we were able to fix it, but you need to remind folks to use the ladder when accessing the top bunk.
Yes, its strong enough for our adult kids (200+ pounds) each level thus far. Everything is nice!
This bed is very squeaky! It has been up for less than a month and with the slightest movement it makes noise and shakes. My daughters are averaged sized 8 and 10 and year olds. I dont feel this bed would hold up for a heavier adult. Im not sure how this product received so many positive reviews. Wouldnt recommend
The bed is great. I made my teenage kids build it (they appreciate it more). Its sturdier than the wood bunkbed. We were missing a key screws (for the ladder), I messaged them and they shipped me the screws I needed. I recommend. Better price available for same designs
I like that the bed is sturdy and is space efficient. It comes about a few inches smaller than the regular ones but big enough for the twin mattress to fit into it. My main issue is the latter design. I am an adult about 5 10 and its very awkward getting onto the top bunk bed. Since there is no open space to get off the latter from, it forces me to literally stand on the bed with one leg as I get onto the bed. When I try to get off I also have to do a lot of maneuvering and have gotten cramps on my legs. Overall you got what you paid for.
Cheap and Sturdy
The box arrived looking like they dragged it behind the truck. It was battered and bashed. There was lots of scrapes and missing paint. This could be the fault of the shipper. The contents are all sturdy metal so there was no structural damage but I will have to do some touch up paint. It was missing the hardware. I assume it fell out during shipping. The seller was responsive but took over a week to send new hardware. It was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. I would not want to test that 400 pound rating on the top bunk. The design makes it extremely difficult to make the bed. Fortunately this is a guest room and will rarely need to be made. If this was a daily bed, I would never go to the trouble of making it consequently it would look sloppy. For the money I guess I cant complain too much. Needs improvement in quality.
Excellent value. Easy from order through assembly
What a great product and experience. Excellent communication from the seller on the product and shipment. Great instructions. I did assemble by myself but had to use a ladder to assist. Would recommend having a second person standing by for the final connections. In the process I bent one of the bolts (yes they are high quality steel) and the seller immediately sent me replacements, no questions asked. They mention in the instructions to have a second person and if definitely makes the process go smoothly. Wonderful experience and excellent product value. Highly recommend! I wanted something that both kids and adults could use and this really fit the bill for sturdiness. Its a good product
Sturdy bed I bought for my 17 yo and 15yo I was worried it was going to wobble it didnt
I am rating 5 stars I had not to many issues I put all the assembly parts together alone, just needed help with holding the parts so it could be screwed its perfect and looks super nice! It is ok for the use.
Easy to assemble and really sturdy
We purchased 2 bunk beds for our 4 boys who are all teenagers or pre teens. The instructions were very easy to understand as everything seems extremely sturdy for our boys. Overall we are very happy. Best quality product
Love this for overnight adult guests, however
we stepped on the bottom bunk and broke it. we were able to fix it, but you need to remind folks to use the ladder when accessing the top bunk. Yes, its strong enough for our adult kids (200+ pounds) each level thus far. Everything is nice!
Not Sturdy and Squeaky
This bed is very squeaky! It has been up for less than a month and with the slightest movement it makes noise and shakes. My daughters are averaged sized 8 and 10 and year olds. I dont feel this bed would hold up for a heavier adult. Im not sure how this product received so many positive reviews. Wouldnt recommend
Great Customer Service Bed
The bed is great. I made my teenage kids build it (they appreciate it more). Its sturdier than the wood bunkbed. We were missing a key screws (for the ladder), I messaged them and they shipped me the screws I needed. I recommend. Better price available for same designs
Great product price!
Product is aming quality easy to assemble very sturdy and stylish
Overall good quality, fix the latter design please
I like that the bed is sturdy and is space efficient. It comes about a few inches smaller than the regular ones but big enough for the twin mattress to fit into it. My main issue is the latter design. I am an adult about 5 10 and its very awkward getting onto the top bunk bed. Since there is no open space to get off the latter from, it forces me to literally stand on the bed with one leg as I get onto the bed. When I try to get off I also have to do a lot of maneuvering and have gotten cramps on my legs. Overall you got what you paid for.
it takes two people to assemble
all good It is sturdy and looks beautiful
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