The box arrived looking like they dragged it behind the truck. It was battered and bashed. There was lots of scrapes and missing paint. This could be the fault of the shipper. The contents are all sturdy metal so there was no structural damage but I will have to do some touch up paint. It was missing the hardware. I assume it fell out during shipping. The seller was responsive but took over a week to send new hardware. It was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. I would not want to test that 400 pound rating on the top bunk. The design makes it extremely difficult to make the bed. Fortunately this is a guest room and will rarely need to be made. If this was a daily bed, I would never go to the trouble of making it consequently it would look sloppy. For the money I guess I cant complain too much. Needs improvement in quality.
Cheap and Sturdy
The box arrived looking like they dragged it behind the truck. It was battered and bashed. There was lots of scrapes and missing paint. This could be the fault of the shipper. The contents are all sturdy metal so there was no structural damage but I will have to do some touch up paint. It was missing the hardware. I assume it fell out during shipping. The seller was responsive but took over a week to send new hardware. It was easy to assemble and seems sturdy. I would not want to test that 400 pound rating on the top bunk. The design makes it extremely difficult to make the bed. Fortunately this is a guest room and will rarely need to be made. If this was a daily bed, I would never go to the trouble of making it consequently it would look sloppy. For the money I guess I cant complain too much. Needs improvement in quality.