My 3 year old loves his new bunk bed. The slide is a hit! Overall we like that the lower bunk is floor level. The top bunk we ended up adding a solid sheet of wood over top of the provided wooden slats for a touch more stability. Sturdy enough for 10 year olds to use the slide, but definitely not an adult! Overall, we are thrilled with the purchase. Love it.
Perfect for little kids 6 under. Top bunk isnt super high and I like the bottom bunk is right on the floor for my 3 yr old who transitioned right from a crib Better directions.
This is exactly what we were looking for! Beautiful, sturdy, safe, and low enough for my 5 3 year old. It took my husband 2 hours to put together. Would definitely buy again.
A little bit of patience is needed when you first start putting this together but then it just flies after that. Very sturdy and is a low bunk (great for safety). Love it! Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
If you have put furniture together before this will not be much of a challenge. Fairley easy and intuitive. I would add some wood glue to certain joints but other than that well designed and easy to assemble. Slide is a bit aggressive but not too bad. Buy it again.
The bed feels sturdy, but like others have said the railing is not too sturdy. In less than 12 hours there is a crack in the top rail. It took about 2.5 hours with 2 people to put it together, directions were ok. It looks nice, fits great in small rooms and rooms with low ceiling. Thanks.
The box was a little beat up but everything inside was okay. I absolutely LOVE how sturdy it is. as parents, we can climb up for bedtime stories without hesitation. Its pretty low, which is perfect for our 7 4 year olds and the color is a pretty navy blue. With a memory foam mattress, weve decided the slats are kind of far apart so bought some additional slats (that run the other way) for extra support. Again, doesnt matter with little kids but might matter over time or if adults are in there. Great purchase!! Definitely glad we went with these since theyre so sturdy!! Best purchase yet!
Toddler Loves It!
My 3 year old loves his new bunk bed. The slide is a hit! Overall we like that the lower bunk is floor level. The top bunk we ended up adding a solid sheet of wood over top of the provided wooden slats for a touch more stability. Sturdy enough for 10 year olds to use the slide, but definitely not an adult! Overall, we are thrilled with the purchase. Love it.
Cant beat the price
Perfect for little kids 6 under. Top bunk isnt super high and I like the bottom bunk is right on the floor for my 3 yr old who transitioned right from a crib Better directions.
Toddler loves it
Not bad to assemble with 2 people. Great for small space! Very nice.
The perfect bunk!
This is exactly what we were looking for! Beautiful, sturdy, safe, and low enough for my 5 3 year old. It took my husband 2 hours to put together. Would definitely buy again.
Perfect for the grandbabies
A little bit of patience is needed when you first start putting this together but then it just flies after that. Very sturdy and is a low bunk (great for safety). Love it! Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Follow Instructions they work perfectly!
If you have put furniture together before this will not be much of a challenge. Fairley easy and intuitive. I would add some wood glue to certain joints but other than that well designed and easy to assemble. Slide is a bit aggressive but not too bad. Buy it again.
Good bed
The bed feels sturdy, but like others have said the railing is not too sturdy. In less than 12 hours there is a crack in the top rail. It took about 2.5 hours with 2 people to put it together, directions were ok. It looks nice, fits great in small rooms and rooms with low ceiling. Thanks.
Not for rough children
Great quality, but the bottom bunk is small and my son keeps hitting his head. Probably best for more cautious children. what I needed.
Very sturdy!! Love them!
The box was a little beat up but everything inside was okay. I absolutely LOVE how sturdy it is. as parents, we can climb up for bedtime stories without hesitation. Its pretty low, which is perfect for our 7 4 year olds and the color is a pretty navy blue. With a memory foam mattress, weve decided the slats are kind of far apart so bought some additional slats (that run the other way) for extra support. Again, doesnt matter with little kids but might matter over time or if adults are in there. Great purchase!! Definitely glad we went with these since theyre so sturdy!! Best purchase yet!
Most aming bed!
We love this bed! Best purchase ever! Bedtime is fun now. Great quality solid wood. Soooi much fun highly recommended! Bless your hearts.
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