Love Love Love
Love this Bunk Bed its very sturdy. Box is very heavy so I had to take piece by piece out of box and carry upstairs Nice size.
Assembly was a bit difficult for my husband and dad but they got it together. Super cute and perfect for little ones. Its not too tall its literally just the right height and size. My babies are 5 and 2. They love it. Overpriced a bit.
Great purchase!
Super sturdy. I had my husband help hold up a few pieces but it was easy and straight forward to assemble. We really like the height. Go for it!
Satisfied with the product, easy to assemble perfect for our 5 year old and 2 year old who share a room. Enough strength.
Great value; Still smells
Great value! It was fairly easy to assemble as well. It does have a lingering smell even after a month Easy to fix.
Bunk bed
It took us a couple of hours to put together. Strong construction. Nice piece of furniture. Very good.
Love Love Love
Love this Bunk Bed its very sturdy. Box is very heavy so I had to take piece by piece out of box and carry upstairs Nice size.
Assembly was a bit difficult for my husband and dad but they got it together. Super cute and perfect for little ones. Its not too tall its literally just the right height and size. My babies are 5 and 2. They love it. Overpriced a bit.
Great purchase!
Super sturdy. I had my husband help hold up a few pieces but it was easy and straight forward to assemble. We really like the height. Go for it!
Satisfied with the product, easy to assemble perfect for our 5 year old and 2 year old who share a room. Enough strength.
Great value; Still smells
Great value! It was fairly easy to assemble as well. It does have a lingering smell even after a month Easy to fix.
Bunk bed
It took us a couple of hours to put together. Strong construction. Nice piece of furniture. Very good.
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