This chair seems sturdy and well made. It was a little time consuming to assemble but not difficult. Tools were provided. I think the imitation is nice and I hope it holds up. It is too early to tell how the chair holds up to frequent use. Good.
The chair is comfy, assembly was straight forward and easy. I bought two chairs and had them assembled in very little time. Theyre definitely designed for the average size person, say 6 feet tall or less, but are still comfy enough for my 64 frame. Kids love it easy to put together.
Came in two boxes. Directions to assemble are just pictures but was real easy to put together. Is very comfortable and just the right size!! very stable.
Overall its a decent chair, but more for a juvenile. The chair looks nice. However, it sits low. I didnt find it very comfortable. Its smaller than I thought; would recommend it more for a juveniles room. Its in my den, but plan on moving it into a guest bedroom. Ill purchase a replacement chair, but will go to a furniture store next time. The only reason Im not returning it, is because Id have to have it de/assembled. No worth the bother.
First it came 2 days early. It took about 30 minutes to unpack and assemble it. The instructions are a single page of drawings only. It was very easy, and I now have a very comfortable addition to my living room. It fits me well, I am 64 and about 250 pounds. I read other reviews about being hard to assemble, and taking 2 people. You only need to look at the pictures, I am 80 years old and completed it by myself in less than 30 minutes. Simple to put together.
Well made chair
This chair seems sturdy and well made. It was a little time consuming to assemble but not difficult. Tools were provided. I think the imitation is nice and I hope it holds up. It is too early to tell how the chair holds up to frequent use. Good.
Nice chairs.
The chair is comfy, assembly was straight forward and easy. I bought two chairs and had them assembled in very little time. Theyre definitely designed for the average size person, say 6 feet tall or less, but are still comfy enough for my 64 frame. Kids love it easy to put together.
Great chair
Very comfy. Looks great. Easy to put together. Perfect.
Excellent chair
Came in two boxes. Directions to assemble are just pictures but was real easy to put together. Is very comfortable and just the right size!! very stable.
Overall its a decent chair, but more for a juvenile. The chair looks nice. However, it sits low. I didnt find it very comfortable. Its smaller than I thought; would recommend it more for a juveniles room. Its in my den, but plan on moving it into a guest bedroom. Ill purchase a replacement chair, but will go to a furniture store next time. The only reason Im not returning it, is because Id have to have it de/assembled. No worth the bother.
I really like my new swivel chair
I use the swivel chair in my sunroom .It is very comfortable Smart design.
I love my new chair!!
First it came 2 days early. It took about 30 minutes to unpack and assemble it. The instructions are a single page of drawings only. It was very easy, and I now have a very comfortable addition to my living room. It fits me well, I am 64 and about 250 pounds. I read other reviews about being hard to assemble, and taking 2 people. You only need to look at the pictures, I am 80 years old and completed it by myself in less than 30 minutes. Simple to put together.
Replaced dinnett
Easy to assemble, perfect in our camper Well made just what I was looking for!
Its a very attractive chair
I liked the fabric and colors offered and found the chair sturdy as well as comfortable to sit on. This item was correct.
Great Chair!
A good looking sturdy chair set. It didnt take long to assemble. I would highly recommend this chair! Works well.
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