I bought this bed for my 6 year old son to sleep on, and the lower height is perfect for him. Comes with everything needed to build it, and is easy to assemble. Im happy with my purchase
Easy to assemble as long as you have 2 people. For some of the parts, one person needs to hold one side while the other person tightens the bolts. My son loves the extra space under his bed it creates. He plays with his friends and we put a sheet over the bottom so it can act like a fort. Well made and comfy!
This bed frame is just what i needed for my daughters room its a very good bed and its very sturdy. The only downside is some small indention in a few parts and a little bit of power coat coming off. I totally recommend it
Loft bed for lower ceilings
I bought this bed for my 6 year old son to sleep on, and the lower height is perfect for him. Comes with everything needed to build it, and is easy to assemble. Im happy with my purchase
Very good bed. We love it. Pretty comfy for the price
Fast delivery
Fast delivery. A little complicated to assemble. Good quality Highly recommend
Make sure you pay attention to detail and dont tighten the bolts til everything is correct.
I like that its sturdy and easy to put together I wish it was a little taller but it works. Quality seems to be good so far
Kid loves it
Easy to assemble as long as you have 2 people. For some of the parts, one person needs to hold one side while the other person tightens the bolts. My son loves the extra space under his bed it creates. He plays with his friends and we put a sheet over the bottom so it can act like a fort. Well made and comfy!
Loft bed
My six year old loves his new bed!!! it is the best product.
Sturdy bed No complaints, really happy
Perfect for my needs
This bed frame is just what i needed for my daughters room its a very good bed and its very sturdy. The only downside is some small indention in a few parts and a little bit of power coat coming off. I totally recommend it
Would buy again, good product.
It was for my grandson, he loves it! simple yet awesome design
I loved it! Perfect for my baby!!! cant praise it enough!
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