This chair was a great purchase! Its comfortable and sturdy. I sit in it for hours in front of my computer with zero discomfort and can even lean back in it. It was very easy to assemble and contrary to other reviews I read about the wheels they were easy to pop in. My only complaint would be like one or two spots where the holes didnt line up with each other so I couldnt put the screws in but the chair works perfectly fine without them.
These chairs are great for the price. We havent had them long so not sure for the long haul. We do not set in them all day to work at home. I think they would not work for that but for us they work out find and take up less space.
Very easy assembly and its been good for working from home. Its not the most comfortable chair ever, very firm seat and no real back adjustment but its ok and price was reasonable.
Read all the reviews, as you are now doing. Umm yea they are mostly on point, the chair really is great. Its sturdy and comfy, I lean all the way back for the heck of it and have yet to fall over!!
Saying its inexpensive makes it seem that is is cheap, but listen its as good as the one you sat in when you had an office to go to.
great price and quality
great price and qulaity
Love this chair comfortable
Support my back
Perfect small office chair!
I have a tiny closet office and this chair fits perfectly in it!
Great purchase!
This chair was a great purchase! Its comfortable and sturdy. I sit in it for hours in front of my computer with zero discomfort and can even lean back in it. It was very easy to assemble and contrary to other reviews I read about the wheels they were easy to pop in. My only complaint would be like one or two spots where the holes didnt line up with each other so I couldnt put the screws in but the chair works perfectly fine without them.
Great value
These chairs are great for the price. We havent had them long so not sure for the long haul. We do not set in them all day to work at home. I think they would not work for that but for us they work out find and take up less space.
Decent chair
Not too hard to put together but it does come in a few pieces. Decent for the price.
Good for home office
Very easy assembly and its been good for working from home. Its not the most comfortable chair ever, very firm seat and no real back adjustment but its ok and price was reasonable.
good price but found a better buy
Zero complaints
Read all the reviews, as you are now doing. Umm yea they are mostly on point, the chair really is great. Its sturdy and comfy, I lean all the way back for the heck of it and have yet to fall over!! Saying its inexpensive makes it seem that is is cheap, but listen its as good as the one you sat in when you had an office to go to.
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