Great bed frame..Great value. This bed frame went together without any issues. Everything lined up how it was supposed to and no missing parts..its very sturdy.
I didn’t expect much for this price, but the stand is actually very sturdy and secure. It looks nice in my room and assembly was easy enough. I will avoid paying a pint less premium in the future
Very good, super sturdy and easy to assemble. I finished the installation with my children today. The children like it very much, and it is very low from the ground, so I dont have to worry about the children falling on the ground and getting injured. I would like to recommend it to my friends.
Ive always bought the wooden platform beds which always seem to wiggle and break after about a year or two. This bed is so sturdy and looks great. Very happy.
I love my bed. It is very study and I am a plus size woman. It came with very little directions, just pictures mainly. My friend and I got the bed together in under an hour, but did have a little difficulty. When putting the outside legs on the bed, the screw holes are on the outer side of the pole and it does not designate this when putting the bed together. So when we got it together the four leg were angled out. I got a friend from Bible Study stop buy and after a few minutes figured it out and all was well. I love my new bed and cannot believe I waited so long to get one of these. I do recommend this. But watch those outside four legs.
Good price
Great deal heavy duty
Great bed frame..Great value. This bed frame went together without any issues. Everything lined up how it was supposed to and no missing parts..its very sturdy.
Very good quality
Very sturdy and good quality! Looks great too!
Great value for the price
I didn’t expect much for this price, but the stand is actually very sturdy and secure. It looks nice in my room and assembly was easy enough. I will avoid paying a pint less premium in the future
It’s just like the picture
My daughter really loves her bed.
Money was worth it, and easy to put together. Love it
super sturdy
Very good, super sturdy and easy to assemble. I finished the installation with my children today. The children like it very much, and it is very low from the ground, so I dont have to worry about the children falling on the ground and getting injured. I would like to recommend it to my friends.
Great bed
Ive always bought the wooden platform beds which always seem to wiggle and break after about a year or two. This bed is so sturdy and looks great. Very happy.
Great little bed. I would purchase this again if needed
I love my bed. It is very study and I am a plus size woman. It came with very little directions, just pictures mainly. My friend and I got the bed together in under an hour, but did have a little difficulty. When putting the outside legs on the bed, the screw holes are on the outer side of the pole and it does not designate this when putting the bed together. So when we got it together the four leg were angled out. I got a friend from Bible Study stop buy and after a few minutes figured it out and all was well. I love my new bed and cannot believe I waited so long to get one of these. I do recommend this. But watch those outside four legs.
Love it
Bought for my son. Super easy to put together
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