Easy to assemble - but wish they could make all screw sizes the same!
Somewhat smaller than anticipated. Our 2 year old grandson was 35 lbs but long. Might get a couple seasons out of it. Some plastic pieces seem cheap, the remote is cheap plastic, works ok but would prefer a better/sturdier piece.
Semi satisfied with item but would not purchase same brand again.
Easy to drive. Grandson just turned two and knows how to operate it. Turns it on, lights on, music on, foot pedal to make it go.
Typical battery life, but grandson is very impatient when it has to recharge. Maybe offer a second battery so one can charge while one is in use.
Decent traction on garage floor and sidewalk.
Absolutely love this little car! My two and three year are so obsessed i had to buy a second one. It does great going up hills and holds a charge very well. My kids can both sit in the car and it still works perfect.
I give it 4 stars because of the quality for the money, the remote for the parent is amazing, fairly easy to assemble and in all just being a very great remote/ride on vehicle for kids. I do recommend to the manufacturer to make a cushioned seat with a higher back and possibly a 5 point harness (just with the same material used for the seat belt) and a little better turning radius. Other than that, great product for kids AND adults!
it was ok.
Over priced but good quality
Easy to assemble - but wish they could make all screw sizes the same! Somewhat smaller than anticipated. Our 2 year old grandson was 35 lbs but long. Might get a couple seasons out of it. Some plastic pieces seem cheap, the remote is cheap plastic, works ok but would prefer a better/sturdier piece. Semi satisfied with item but would not purchase same brand again.
Can any one tell me how to get a replacement charger for this Jeep
Love it
Two year old grandson loves it!
Easy to drive. Grandson just turned two and knows how to operate it. Turns it on, lights on, music on, foot pedal to make it go. Typical battery life, but grandson is very impatient when it has to recharge. Maybe offer a second battery so one can charge while one is in use. Decent traction on garage floor and sidewalk.
Absolutely love this little car! My two and three year are so obsessed i had to buy a second one. It does great going up hills and holds a charge very well. My kids can both sit in the car and it still works perfect.
Nice buy, remote wont work to car
Remote control wont work to car but overall its great purchase and product.
he loved it
Bought for grandsons 2nd birthday he loved it as did his parents! My husband assembled that means it was within his patience level to do so
Kids will love it.
Works as it should. Assembly required...
Great first learning car
Love the truck and the seat belt. Only wish it had the ability to go a little faster. On the fastest speed it is pretty slow
Great Product for Kids AND Adults!
I give it 4 stars because of the quality for the money, the remote for the parent is amazing, fairly easy to assemble and in all just being a very great remote/ride on vehicle for kids. I do recommend to the manufacturer to make a cushioned seat with a higher back and possibly a 5 point harness (just with the same material used for the seat belt) and a little better turning radius. Other than that, great product for kids AND adults!
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