So happy with this purchase! My son loved it! The people who sold it were so kind and answer any questions we had! So worth the buy!
Goes well on the the 4-wheel drive.
My one year old Grandson loves it. He puts his toys and stuffed animals in the truck bed before he goes for a ride.
THE best !!
This jeep is great, grandson loves it !!
My daughter loves it
So far my daughter loves it. Not to hard to instill. Keeps charge. Had for a few months.
Kids love it.
Works perfectly.
Charger stopped working after 4 months.
My two daughters absolutely LOVED it until it started running slow, slower and slower then dying. Turns out the charger had died so we had to buy a replacement. That car is up and running again.
Great product, my daughter loves her new toy
Remote control is great for those kids who just want to push the button and need a little help steering
Works for us
Really like
So happy with this purchase! My son loved it! The people who sold it were so kind and answer any questions we had! So worth the buy!
Goes well on the the 4-wheel drive.
My one year old Grandson loves it. He puts his toys and stuffed animals in the truck bed before he goes for a ride.
THE best !!
This jeep is great, grandson loves it !!
My daughter loves it
So far my daughter loves it. Not to hard to instill. Keeps charge. Had for a few months.
Kids love it.
Works perfectly.
Charger stopped working after 4 months.
My two daughters absolutely LOVED it until it started running slow, slower and slower then dying. Turns out the charger had died so we had to buy a replacement. That car is up and running again.
Great product, my daughter loves her new toy
Remote control is great for those kids who just want to push the button and need a little help steering
Works for us
Really like
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