My son is super happy with this bed in his bedroom! He loves it and the color is beautiful, rich and its sturdy! Great value and quality for the price.
It was really straightforward to put together. Nothing was labeled, but the pictures were good enough to work it out. Its really sturdy, doesnt wiggle even with two. Its a bit lower to the ground than I was hoping for, but its really beautiful and I recommend it.
Sturdy and nice looking
Got this for our teenage daughter. The parts were not numbered, which slowed the assembly down a little bit.
Dont think just buy
So easy to build. And supper sturdy
The only thing i dont like is it sits so low to ground, it almost make it look like tiny bed. But my 10yr old is happy.
great quality inexpensive!
It was simple to put together. I bought this as a new bedframe for my teen daughter. She loves it!!!
Great quality and style and good value!
My son is super happy with this bed in his bedroom! He loves it and the color is beautiful, rich and its sturdy! Great value and quality for the price.
Worth the Money.
Absolutely loved this frame!
Bought one for my nephew and it was great! Its very comfortable and sturdy!
Great bed
It was really straightforward to put together. Nothing was labeled, but the pictures were good enough to work it out. Its really sturdy, doesnt wiggle even with two. Its a bit lower to the ground than I was hoping for, but its really beautiful and I recommend it.
Well made
Went together easily and looks very nice. Product is what I expected
No tiene letras cada pieza como en el manual está confuso
No tiene letras cada pieza como en el manual no le entendí y no tiene video para explicar
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