I was pleasantly surprised that a bed this cheap could be this nice. I paid 5 times the amount for the last one and that was just a faux wood headboard. This bed is lovely and worth every penny!
The bed overall is a solid four. Its aesthetically what I expected (fabric is like a tweed so its durable), frame is sturdy, and it was easy to put together once I figured out the lettering system. The parts did not come in labeled / not one piece, but the instructions did have the pieces called out one by one so that was the only time sucker of the process.
Bought this bed for our teenage son. It was very easy to assemble, so easy he did it himself! Its very sturdy for the price. Would definitely recommend this!
The bed was not too difficult to put together but using an Allen wrench can get tiring on your hands. The fabric is a denim so it looks good. My son really likes his new bed.
Excellent Purchase / Excellent Quality / Great Value
I was pleasantly surprised that a bed this cheap could be this nice. I paid 5 times the amount for the last one and that was just a faux wood headboard. This bed is lovely and worth every penny!
Looks great and easy to assemble
The bed overall is a solid four. Its aesthetically what I expected (fabric is like a tweed so its durable), frame is sturdy, and it was easy to put together once I figured out the lettering system. The parts did not come in labeled / not one piece, but the instructions did have the pieces called out one by one so that was the only time sucker of the process.
Great quality.
Its my nieces bed , but she said she loves it. So Its a winner.
Great value!
Its great for my son! He loves his big boy bed! Great value. Easy to put together.
Great deal
It was very easy to assemble and comes with all screws and Allen wrench. Love it.
Awesome bed!
Bought this bed for our teenage son. It was very easy to assemble, so easy he did it himself! Its very sturdy for the price. Would definitely recommend this!
Good buy.
The bed was not too difficult to put together but using an Allen wrench can get tiring on your hands. The fabric is a denim so it looks good. My son really likes his new bed.
super easy to assemble
Super easy to assemble. I didnt think to measure our mattress height first, so the bed is too low but that was totally my fault.
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