The size is perfect. I wanted something for under my window in my home office, where my family could sit and chat while I work, or where I could relax and take calls. This is perfect. I am no lightweight and it feels really sturdy. My dog weighs 20 pounds. This is not a large chaise. The back, legs, and hardware were stored inside the seat, which was velcroed shut. Easy installation. I absolutely love it! suit for my apartment!
So this is a nice lounge chair for indoors. My husband had a little trouble putting it together but maybe because that was the fifth item I had him put together. I think it is a bit small. Looks bigger in the picture but Im not to tall so it works for us. If youre 57 or taller may not be for you. And it did for our space
Perfect for my small space!
The size is perfect. I wanted something for under my window in my home office, where my family could sit and chat while I work, or where I could relax and take calls. This is perfect. I am no lightweight and it feels really sturdy. My dog weighs 20 pounds. This is not a large chaise. The back, legs, and hardware were stored inside the seat, which was velcroed shut. Easy installation. I absolutely love it! suit for my apartment!
Chaise is soft sturdy perfect length I am 5 3 I have in my She Room so pretty Easy to assemble and look amazing.
Perfect for my lil sitting area
Love my area of R R. This chaise completed the look I was looking for. Im 54 and is perfect for sitting up position. Comfortable and sturdy as well..
Nice accent to home office
Its a very nice accent to my home office. The only con is... I wish it was longer, in 51 and my feet hang off if it. The product is very comfortable
Feels amazing
Great would buy again in heart beat perfect for my champagne room Nice accent piece for room
Great looking comfortable nice purchase
Its just a little short but very comfortable I give it an 8 out of 10 just 2 inches short of a 10. Im 59
Nice for smaller people
So this is a nice lounge chair for indoors. My husband had a little trouble putting it together but maybe because that was the fifth item I had him put together. I think it is a bit small. Looks bigger in the picture but Im not to tall so it works for us. If youre 57 or taller may not be for you. And it did for our space
Chaise lounge made dog bed
Shorter and not grey as described, but still lovely . Could honestly be a dog bed for a medium to large dog, and intend to use it for just that
Great Deal!
Great item for the price! Dont think twice about ordering this product. Wont find a better deal for a quality product. Very stylish and great quality!
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