I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of this futon, especially for the price. Very firm, sturdy, and attractive. Its heavy to lift so beware if you have stairs. Assembly was pretty easy and directions were straight forward. Only thing was one of the legs was missing a pad. I had to improvise to avoid scratching my floor. Otherwise, I am really happy with the product and would recommend. Buy It.
Its firm, but its so incredibly cute and sturdy. If youre considering, it is TOTALLY worth the price. Enthusiastic 5 out of 5 for the price and overall product. Fits.
The color is great I chose orange. My grandson is 15 years old was able to put it together with no problem and he uses it to sleep on when he comes over and says its very comfortable. Yes please!
This was easy to assemble by myself with no major problems. The sofa is sturdy but very hard to sleep on especially since it has a canyon down the middle. A mattress topper might do the trick if one needs it for more than occasional use. Worked for my use.
it took 1 person maybe 15 mins to assemble. i just wish i had gotten the color i ordered rather than blue. It took me too long to figure out that I also received the wrong style but its already set up so it stays. Very nice product!
Stylish little mid century style futon. It is definitely firm, and a mattress topper pad will help in making this a comfortable sleep over bed. I like the color and it is pretty solid . Well made. It was just what I wanted.
I bought it to go in my kids playroom to have some adult seating. For those purposes, it works well. It is comfortable and sturdy enough. I cant speak to sleeping on it. I also love the color as it is a dark blue, but not quite a true navy, which is exactly what I was hoping for. I think my photo captures the color well. Assembly was easy and it came well packed, but I do want to echo what someone else said about the potential for the middle portion of the seat to bend during assembly/moving and cause issues where the middle legs are. So, just be cautious of that. Will be ordering more.
Best deal for best item on
Easy to assemble, comforting and sturdy cushions Needs.
Missing part but very happy otherwise!
I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of this futon, especially for the price. Very firm, sturdy, and attractive. Its heavy to lift so beware if you have stairs. Assembly was pretty easy and directions were straight forward. Only thing was one of the legs was missing a pad. I had to improvise to avoid scratching my floor. Otherwise, I am really happy with the product and would recommend. Buy It.
Its firm, but its so incredibly cute and sturdy. If youre considering, it is TOTALLY worth the price. Enthusiastic 5 out of 5 for the price and overall product. Fits.
Love it!!
The color is great I chose orange. My grandson is 15 years old was able to put it together with no problem and he uses it to sleep on when he comes over and says its very comfortable. Yes please!
Looks great.
This was easy to assemble by myself with no major problems. The sofa is sturdy but very hard to sleep on especially since it has a canyon down the middle. A mattress topper might do the trick if one needs it for more than occasional use. Worked for my use.
Absolutely love
Beautiful and perfect! Very helpful.
All the stars!
So cute! Makes the difference in the room. Very compact.
great but recieved the wrong color and style
it took 1 person maybe 15 mins to assemble. i just wish i had gotten the color i ordered rather than blue. It took me too long to figure out that I also received the wrong style but its already set up so it stays. Very nice product!
Great stylish futon
Stylish little mid century style futon. It is definitely firm, and a mattress topper pad will help in making this a comfortable sleep over bed. I like the color and it is pretty solid . Well made. It was just what I wanted.
Works well for my purposes
I bought it to go in my kids playroom to have some adult seating. For those purposes, it works well. It is comfortable and sturdy enough. I cant speak to sleeping on it. I also love the color as it is a dark blue, but not quite a true navy, which is exactly what I was hoping for. I think my photo captures the color well. Assembly was easy and it came well packed, but I do want to echo what someone else said about the potential for the middle portion of the seat to bend during assembly/moving and cause issues where the middle legs are. So, just be cautious of that. Will be ordering more.
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