The directions were pretty easy to follow and the bed is sturdy enough to withhold my 220lbs along with my toddler which I was unsure if it was too advance for her but she knows how to climb up and slide down without assistance. It is not bulky or too high from the ground. We really are enjoying the bed.Nice well made.
We have had this bed 2 years and its still like new. Our kids are very active and rough and the bed is still aming. Its cute and fun and definitely worth the money. No rust, not falling apart GET THIS BED! Quality products.
Bought this for our grandson and he loves it!! Bought it when he was 3 and is now 6 and is still in perfect condition. We did however have to take the slide off when we moved because there was not enough room in his new little bedroom. But it has and is still serving its purpose. He has built forts under it in the past. Today it is being used to store his multiple boxes of toys. Great overall!!! Great price and a great sturdy bed.Nice product.
I bought this for my then 5yr old daughter and after over 3yrs she still loves her bed. Its still sturdy and holds up hust as it did when we set it upPretty sturdy. Good size.
Kids absolutely love these beds. Pretty easy to assemble. Very sturdy. Easy to tuck the kids in because its a junior so its low enough to lean in. And yes, they use the slide every morning!Really Worth it
Excuse the mess, but my daughter loves her bed. I made a deal with her that if she stopped sneaking in my bed in the middle of the night, Id buy her this awesome bed with a SLIDE!
Didnt really think it would work honestly but I was desperate, neither of us were sleeping well. But besides the odd nightmare very infrequently, she sleeps in her own bed the whole time. The best thing is, she cant sneak in anymore because I hear here coming down the slide first, yay
The mattress itself is great, kinda thought I was reviewing the frame but oh well Ill copy it over. Mattress feels just like my super fancy and expensive one, and this one is pretty expensive for a twin (full?) so its about right.Well made and packaged.
much smaller than pictured. PROS:
/ I am a 54 woman and I was able to assemble this bed more or less by myself without too much trouble
/ Seems sturdy and safe for sleeping
/ The slide is LOUD. My kids are not particularly noise sensitive but this thing makes such a loud sound when anyone goes on it that they avoid using it.
/ Some of the pieces have sharp edges that have scratched my kid
My daughter loves her bed
The directions were pretty easy to follow and the bed is sturdy enough to withhold my 220lbs along with my toddler which I was unsure if it was too advance for her but she knows how to climb up and slide down without assistance. It is not bulky or too high from the ground. We really are enjoying the bed.Nice well made.
Best thing!
We have had this bed 2 years and its still like new. Our kids are very active and rough and the bed is still aming. Its cute and fun and definitely worth the money. No rust, not falling apart GET THIS BED! Quality products.
Bought this for our grandson and he loves it!! Bought it when he was 3 and is now 6 and is still in perfect condition. We did however have to take the slide off when we moved because there was not enough room in his new little bedroom. But it has and is still serving its purpose. He has built forts under it in the past. Today it is being used to store his multiple boxes of toys. Great overall!!! Great price and a great sturdy bed.Nice product.
3.5 years and she still loves it!
I bought this for my then 5yr old daughter and after over 3yrs she still loves her bed. Its still sturdy and holds up hust as it did when we set it upPretty sturdy. Good size.
I bought two.
Kids absolutely love these beds. Pretty easy to assemble. Very sturdy. Easy to tuck the kids in because its a junior so its low enough to lean in. And yes, they use the slide every morning!Really Worth it
I love this bed! Easy to put together, very sturdy, good investmentNot so bad.
Instructions are very simple and everything is labeled perfectly.
Completely satisfied with this product. Sturdy and Easy to assemble. My 4 year old loves it! Overall good.
Great Bed!
Its a awesome bed and my son loves it ! This item is good! Satisfied.
Awesome bed for kids that have trouble staying in bed at night
Excuse the mess, but my daughter loves her bed. I made a deal with her that if she stopped sneaking in my bed in the middle of the night, Id buy her this awesome bed with a SLIDE! Didnt really think it would work honestly but I was desperate, neither of us were sleeping well. But besides the odd nightmare very infrequently, she sleeps in her own bed the whole time. The best thing is, she cant sneak in anymore because I hear here coming down the slide first, yay The mattress itself is great, kinda thought I was reviewing the frame but oh well Ill copy it over. Mattress feels just like my super fancy and expensive one, and this one is pretty expensive for a twin (full?) so its about right.Well made and packaged.
Fine as a bed but the slide is pointless
much smaller than pictured. PROS: / I am a 54 woman and I was able to assemble this bed more or less by myself without too much trouble / Seems sturdy and safe for sleeping CONS / The slide is LOUD. My kids are not particularly noise sensitive but this thing makes such a loud sound when anyone goes on it that they avoid using it. / Some of the pieces have sharp edges that have scratched my kid
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