Bought this for our grandson and he loves it!! Bought it when he was 3 and is now 6 and is still in perfect condition. We did however have to take the slide off when we moved because there was not enough room in his new little bedroom. But it has and is still serving its purpose. He has built forts under it in the past. Today it is being used to store his multiple boxes of toys. Great overall!!! Great price and a great sturdy bed.Nice product.
Bought this for our grandson and he loves it!! Bought it when he was 3 and is now 6 and is still in perfect condition. We did however have to take the slide off when we moved because there was not enough room in his new little bedroom. But it has and is still serving its purpose. He has built forts under it in the past. Today it is being used to store his multiple boxes of toys. Great overall!!! Great price and a great sturdy bed.Nice product.