For the price it was definitely a good buy. I purchased two my each of my daughters. Set up was okay took about 40 minutes. My 13 year old was able to assemble herself so it was pretty easy. Instructions were easy to follow, included everything needed to put together.
This bed looked very elegant once it was put together. It was easy to assemble, but there are two bolts that are very similar in length and diameter and they were in the same parts bag. The support slats are close together, so the mattress isn't sagging, and it's very sturdy.
We got two of these for our twins…the first one took a while to assemble and then the second one we did in about 20 minutes. Its very sturdy and looks great. The mattress slides EVERYWHERE though. One of them we have wedged in with a dresser, the other one is just against the wall and the mattress wont stay put. I will have to figure out something to hold it in place. Over all I would definitely recommend, but there should be some sort of lip on the side to hold the bed place.
For the price its great but you need a rug or put it up against the wall because it moves a Lot if you don't have carpet on your floors and the wood bar in the middle bends.
Price was reasonable, head n foot board not to high. They can watch tv w/o laying at the foot of the bed. Also my 2 grandsons can change the room the way they want.
Easy to setup
Was easy to assemble. 1 person needed to do. Its really pretty
Great buy
For the price it was definitely a good buy. I purchased two my each of my daughters. Set up was okay took about 40 minutes. My 13 year old was able to assemble herself so it was pretty easy. Instructions were easy to follow, included everything needed to put together.
Good deal
There were a lot of pieces to assemble, I wasnt really expecting that. But the instructions were fine and the bed is sturdy.
Beautiful bed
This bed looked very elegant once it was put together. It was easy to assemble, but there are two bolts that are very similar in length and diameter and they were in the same parts bag. The support slats are close together, so the mattress isn't sagging, and it's very sturdy.
Sturdy, easy to assemble, mattress slides all over
We got two of these for our twins…the first one took a while to assemble and then the second one we did in about 20 minutes. Its very sturdy and looks great. The mattress slides EVERYWHERE though. One of them we have wedged in with a dresser, the other one is just against the wall and the mattress wont stay put. I will have to figure out something to hold it in place. Over all I would definitely recommend, but there should be some sort of lip on the side to hold the bed place.
Good for the money
For the price its great but you need a rug or put it up against the wall because it moves a Lot if you don't have carpet on your floors and the wood bar in the middle bends.
Awesome Twin Beds!!
Price was reasonable, head n foot board not to high. They can watch tv w/o laying at the foot of the bed. Also my 2 grandsons can change the room the way they want.
good value, looks nice
came right on time, good value!
They are ok for now.. we'll see how they hold up in a couple months.
Awesome! Easy to set up
Looks beautiful in my room!
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