Good!My daughter loves this bed. Its not as tall as I thought it was going to be but that made me less worried about her rolling off. Easy to assemble and the instructions were easy to follow.
As expected, thank you!Bought this bed for my daughter to open space in my kids bedroom (I have a three year old and a four month old) and honestly love it. Not the sturdiest bed, but my daughter loves having a big bed and has a nice little play area underneath. We added some LED lights underneath to give it more lighting and she loves it. Definitely worth the money!
Sturdy for light items.This bed is sturdier than expected and easy enough to assemble, so the value is there, but good lord, the freaking 24 x 4 sticker that was pasted to the main visible rail of the bed, nearly was maddening enough to return the dang thing.
Keep a coconut oil and baking soda paste and a ror blade handy. Youll need it! Remove the sticker prior to set up as to not make you lose your da*n mind.
Have patience or maybe order a different product.
Word to the manufacturer, perhaps consider splurging on vinyl stickers in the future.
Worth it! She loves itCame packaged nicely, no scratches or dents. Was pretty easy to assemble except for two screws that would not go in all the way. It feels a little bit unsteady but not bad.
10/10 recommend
Good!My daughter loves this bed. Its not as tall as I thought it was going to be but that made me less worried about her rolling off. Easy to assemble and the instructions were easy to follow.
Good buy for the price
Satisfied.Got it for my daughter she loves it !
My three year old loves it!
As expected, thank you!Bought this bed for my daughter to open space in my kids bedroom (I have a three year old and a four month old) and honestly love it. Not the sturdiest bed, but my daughter loves having a big bed and has a nice little play area underneath. We added some LED lights underneath to give it more lighting and she loves it. Definitely worth the money!
Good,thanks great product
It works amingly
It works great! Thank you!This bed works great for my 9 year old, hes able to have his gaming chair tv and Xbox underneath there.
Missing end caps
Simple and does the jobJust got it put together, all good so far. Except that its missing the end caps.
Decent bed, horrible sticker.
Sturdy for light items.This bed is sturdier than expected and easy enough to assemble, so the value is there, but good lord, the freaking 24 x 4 sticker that was pasted to the main visible rail of the bed, nearly was maddening enough to return the dang thing. Keep a coconut oil and baking soda paste and a ror blade handy. Youll need it! Remove the sticker prior to set up as to not make you lose your da*n mind. Have patience or maybe order a different product. Word to the manufacturer, perhaps consider splurging on vinyl stickers in the future.
Good quality and my boy likes it.
Very sturdy8 ceilings and a ceiling fan in the room. This bed works great.
Decent size
Cool Decent size Easy assemble Sturdy
Saves space
Worth it! She loves itCame packaged nicely, no scratches or dents. Was pretty easy to assemble except for two screws that would not go in all the way. It feels a little bit unsteady but not bad.
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