Nice product.Super cute, relatively easy to put together, but this bed does wobble slightly. Its been fine for my 5 year old daughter, but i would say not intended for anyone older than 10
Pretty sturdy. Good size.Not the easiest to assemble but it is a very well made bed, I actually bought two and love them. They are perfect for my younger children. Not too high but high enough for them to have extra play and storage space .
Really Worth itIts not as tall as I expected it to be. A toddler will be able to stand up under it but not my 7 year old, whom I bought it for. If you are planning to fit another bed underneath, make sure that its a low bed with little to no head board. Its sturdy and was easy to put together.
Well made and packaged.For the most part, this is a good bed for the price. Directions are clear and easy to read. It was pretty simple to put together also. I was able to assemble the entire thing by myself in about 2hrs. I recommend waiting until the end to tighten all the bolts. I tightened as I went and found that I had to loosen some things up to fit pieces in so just tighten everything at the end. It is a bit wobbly which surprised me, not as sturdy as I thought it would be but its still safe feeling. When a twin mattress is on it, theres only a couple inches of safety rail above the mattress. I might get a thinner mattress for it
I love it!!!!
Nice well made.Its great for a preschooler that is transitioning out of a crib bed.
Great bed
Quality products.Daughter loves this bed!!
So cute!!
Nice product.Super cute, relatively easy to put together, but this bed does wobble slightly. Its been fine for my 5 year old daughter, but i would say not intended for anyone older than 10
Sturdy and well made
Pretty sturdy. Good size.Not the easiest to assemble but it is a very well made bed, I actually bought two and love them. They are perfect for my younger children. Not too high but high enough for them to have extra play and storage space .
Not as tall as I expected
Really Worth itIts not as tall as I expected it to be. A toddler will be able to stand up under it but not my 7 year old, whom I bought it for. If you are planning to fit another bed underneath, make sure that its a low bed with little to no head board. Its sturdy and was easy to put together.
Great starter bed
Not so bad.Easy to put together, could be less nosey but he loves it
Just perfect for my 6 year old daughter
Overall good.Looks nice and sturdy
Cute bed!!
This item is good! Satisfied.My daughter loves them
Pretty good!
Well made and packaged.For the most part, this is a good bed for the price. Directions are clear and easy to read. It was pretty simple to put together also. I was able to assemble the entire thing by myself in about 2hrs. I recommend waiting until the end to tighten all the bolts. I tightened as I went and found that I had to loosen some things up to fit pieces in so just tighten everything at the end. It is a bit wobbly which surprised me, not as sturdy as I thought it would be but its still safe feeling. When a twin mattress is on it, theres only a couple inches of safety rail above the mattress. I might get a thinner mattress for it
love it
Great price and somewhat durable.aming but a little wider than anticipated
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