I looked all over the internet for a suitable cabinet to fit my small bathroom and this went right in perfectly, sturdy and tall! Capacity is excellent ))
Easy to assemble, size is great. Looks nice. BUT -- Its super flimsy and is made of poor quality cardboard composite. After assemble, I attempted to pick it up and move it to the location where its going to be; It immediately ripped in half, tearing right where the dowels and hardware were supposed to be holding it together. This item can't even hold it's own weight when assembled. I put a couple of 1 1/2 in screws in to hold it together. and purchased proper L brackets to mount it to the wall. I recommend finding a more solid piece of furniture. All of this crap online is just that, crap.
I didnt realize this would be coming in and I would have to put it completely together. The box is too heavy to move and the instructions were alittle difficult to follow especially putting the doors on. Its a little wobbly but sturdy.
We had a small gap between the stackable and the wall, and had a hard time finding something so small. But this fits perfectly. It was very easy to put together. Only took me about an hour. I plan on frosting the windows, but I do love it.
Not a high quality product as the white paint on the particle board was chipping even while we were assembling it. Instructions could also have been a little more detailed. However, it is functional and has decent storage capacity. Overall, not a bad addition to our bathroom.
Its very pretty fit perfectly in my small bathroom; however I would have liked the option of having 3 more shelves to separate the tall spaces. Otherwise its perfect. I will be putting in additional shelves myself to make it perfect for my needs.
Tall and sturdy cabinet!!
I looked all over the internet for a suitable cabinet to fit my small bathroom and this went right in perfectly, sturdy and tall! Capacity is excellent ))
Doesnt come with instructions.
Cabinet storage shelf box did not contain instructions for assembly. Cant comment on storage capacity or sturdiness if I cant put it together.
Quality for the price.
A quality product with easy to follow instructions for assembling.
Looks Nice, But is a POS
Easy to assemble, size is great. Looks nice. BUT -- Its super flimsy and is made of poor quality cardboard composite. After assemble, I attempted to pick it up and move it to the location where its going to be; It immediately ripped in half, tearing right where the dowels and hardware were supposed to be holding it together. This item can't even hold it's own weight when assembled. I put a couple of 1 1/2 in screws in to hold it together. and purchased proper L brackets to mount it to the wall. I recommend finding a more solid piece of furniture. All of this crap online is just that, crap.
Its an ok case and it gets dirty fast.
Havent assembled it yet but so far looks great!
White cabinet
I didnt realize this would be coming in and I would have to put it completely together. The box is too heavy to move and the instructions were alittle difficult to follow especially putting the doors on. Its a little wobbly but sturdy.
Nicely constructed
I like it! Functional and attractive.
Perfect for little spaces
We had a small gap between the stackable and the wall, and had a hard time finding something so small. But this fits perfectly. It was very easy to put together. Only took me about an hour. I plan on frosting the windows, but I do love it.
Average quality but reasonable price
Not a high quality product as the white paint on the particle board was chipping even while we were assembling it. Instructions could also have been a little more detailed. However, it is functional and has decent storage capacity. Overall, not a bad addition to our bathroom.
Beautiful, tall, spacious bathroom cabinet!
Its very pretty fit perfectly in my small bathroom; however I would have liked the option of having 3 more shelves to separate the tall spaces. Otherwise its perfect. I will be putting in additional shelves myself to make it perfect for my needs.
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