Easy to assemble, size is great. Looks nice. BUT -- Its super flimsy and is made of poor quality cardboard composite. After assemble, I attempted to pick it up and move it to the location where its going to be; It immediately ripped in half, tearing right where the dowels and hardware were supposed to be holding it together. This item can't even hold it's own weight when assembled. I put a couple of 1 1/2 in screws in to hold it together. and purchased proper L brackets to mount it to the wall. I recommend finding a more solid piece of furniture. All of this crap online is just that, crap.
Looks Nice, But is a POS
Easy to assemble, size is great. Looks nice. BUT -- Its super flimsy and is made of poor quality cardboard composite. After assemble, I attempted to pick it up and move it to the location where its going to be; It immediately ripped in half, tearing right where the dowels and hardware were supposed to be holding it together. This item can't even hold it's own weight when assembled. I put a couple of 1 1/2 in screws in to hold it together. and purchased proper L brackets to mount it to the wall. I recommend finding a more solid piece of furniture. All of this crap online is just that, crap.