This is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. My son will maybe get to use it for a few years. That was my mistake for thinking it was bigger than it was.
This chair is too cute! I bought it for my sons first birthday and he loves it. Its the best value for a cute, stylish chair I could find and it matches my living room adorably! The quality is great and it wipes clean so easily! I have not one complaint! I highly recommend!
If you found my review helpful please let me know! Thanks
Cute chair and stool, but it is very small! I bought it for my year old grandson thinking he could use it for a few years, but he is almost too big for it.
My son loves this Hes 12 months! Excellent condition very sturdy
Five Stars
This Chair is love love
Four Stars
Smaller than expected but great quality.could buy
Five Stars
Theyre awesome and fast,Satisfy my kids aesthetic
I cant wait to order the other set
It is the cutest chair I have ever seen, great material and my son love it.
Five Stars
This is a lot smaller than I thought it would .
This is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. My son will maybe get to use it for a few years. That was my mistake for thinking it was bigger than it was.
Five Stars
Very comfortable and stylist too. My 2 year loves his new armrest sofa. Love it!
How can you go wrong!
This chair is too cute! I bought it for my sons first birthday and he loves it. Its the best value for a cute, stylish chair I could find and it matches my living room adorably! The quality is great and it wipes clean so easily! I have not one complaint! I highly recommend! If you found my review helpful please let me know! Thanks
Smaller than expected
Cute chair and stool, but it is very small! I bought it for my year old grandson thinking he could use it for a few years, but he is almost too big for it.
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