Ordered this for our granddaughter. Its the perfect size for her. She pushes and drags it all over the place. I was very impressed with the construction of this product. Very well made. Highly recommend it.
My mom ordered this for my babies first birthday, we decided on this one for the height and fabric.
It didnt disappoint! My guy LOVES his chair!! He will go out his way to eat/drink in his chair, push around the stool or use it to hold snacks. The leather like material makes it super easy to clean(like I said he likes to eat snacks in it lmao) and the sides of the cushion are only like my pinkie nail deep so REALLY easy to clean in the cracks. Love this chair! Were ordering another for another baby in the family turning one soon!
Bought for my granddaughter. She loves it. Shes 18 months. When her daddy got it out of box her first word was Mine. She had to eat from it the first night and now when she gets to watch cartoons she watches them from her chair. She just loves it.
Love this! My daughter has used it so much. It is easy to clean. She can pick it up and move it to where she wants it. Would recommend to anyone with kids.
It is much smaller than it appears but very well made and perfect for a toddler! The footstool is very small. Only good for setting a snack on. My grandson loves this chair.
Just awesome
Looks so realistic like an adult one. so cute!! our 1.7 y. daughter loves it!
The best
If you have a toddler do not hesitate to purchase this it is the best my son loves it
Beautiful chair set!
Ordered this for our granddaughter. Its the perfect size for her. She pushes and drags it all over the place. I was very impressed with the construction of this product. Very well made. Highly recommend it.
Perfect even for the criest of babies
My mom ordered this for my babies first birthday, we decided on this one for the height and fabric. It didnt disappoint! My guy LOVES his chair!! He will go out his way to eat/drink in his chair, push around the stool or use it to hold snacks. The leather like material makes it super easy to clean(like I said he likes to eat snacks in it lmao) and the sides of the cushion are only like my pinkie nail deep so REALLY easy to clean in the cracks. Love this chair! Were ordering another for another baby in the family turning one soon!
Really happy for this item, stable great exact what I was looking for. Thank you.
Great product
East to clean and durable.Very satisfied
Comfortable chair and footstool
Bought for my granddaughter. She loves it. Shes 18 months. When her daddy got it out of box her first word was Mine. She had to eat from it the first night and now when she gets to watch cartoons she watches them from her chair. She just loves it.
Love it
Love this! My daughter has used it so much. It is easy to clean. She can pick it up and move it to where she wants it. Would recommend to anyone with kids.
My 1 year old loves his little chair.Surprisingly very comfortable
Childs Chair
It is much smaller than it appears but very well made and perfect for a toddler! The footstool is very small. Only good for setting a snack on. My grandson loves this chair.
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